PA100-D updates

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PA100-D updates

Postby N3ZV » 23 Mar 2017 11:46


I received an e-mail yesterday and the gentleman had 2 questions:

1. Are there any updates/upgrades for a 100D amplifier that is 4 years old?

2. Is there a method/ firmware update/ modification that can be done for a Elecraft KX3 to do automatic band switching

on the amplifier?

Thank you

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Re: PA100-D updates

Postby 5B4AIY » 24 Mar 2017 09:19

Hi, Whitney,

Whilst there are no 'official' PA-100D firmware updates, I have been modifying and enhancing the software for this amplifier for some time, and if you were to load my latest firmware, then you will indeed have the capability for the Elecraft KX3 to automatically control the amplifier. There are numerous other enhancements as well, including the ability to control the amplifier remotely.

I am attaching the User Manual for my firmware for your information.

Note that after loading this new firmware package upon initial switch-on there will be the message:


this is perfectly normal the first time because the EEPROM mapping has changed. The default calibration and configuration values will be loaded. You will need to re-calibrate the voltmeter, ammeter, and high/low power meter, temperature display, as well as possibly the frequency counter, although I have found that for the most part this latter calibration is usually sufficiently accurate.

Fortunately the bias current and temperature calibration settings are hardware adjustments, and thus only the software values will need adjusting if all the hardware settings were original correctly performed.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Juma PA100D Operating Manual v3.00c - Build 1 (Text Only).pdf
User Manual for revised firmware.
(166.32 KiB) Downloaded 865 times
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Re: PA100-D updates

Postby HB9VQQ » 18 Apr 2017 17:09

Adrian, I must be blind where can I find FW v3.00c which you are referring to ?

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Re: PA100-D updates

Postby HB9VQQ » 18 Apr 2017 17:13

Ok found it viewtopic.php?f=12&t=313

Is it ok to upgrade from v1.05k to 3.00c in one step ?

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Re: PA100-D updates

Postby 5B4AIY » 19 Apr 2017 07:57

Hi, Roland,
Yes, you can safely upgrade from your 1.05k, which is quite old now, to the most recent version, 3.00c/Build 3 - with one caveat - you must make a note of your existing calibration and configuration settings prior to loading this latest version. This is because of two factors, a. The EEPROM mapping has changed; and b. The checksum algorithm is different. Consequently, after loading the new version on initial switch-on you will see the message:


This is perfectly normal, and only occurs the first time. It will cause the standard defaults to be loaded. After that, switch the amplifier off, and then power it on in the Calibration & Setup mode by, as before, pressing and holding the PWR button until you see the message:

" Calibration"
" Mode 3.00c"

displayed. Release the button and the first page of the calibration menu is displayed. Re-enter your calibration values that you saved prior to loading this firmware. As the measurement system is the same, once you have re-entered the values, with the exception of the RF Power, you will be back where you were.

The RF Power meter now has two calibration values, a low-power and a high-power. The method for setting these is described in the User Manual. Normally the default settings are usually close enough, but if you have access to an accurate RF wattmeter such as Bird 4410A for example, then you may be able to improve the accuracy by using this as a calibration standard.

The Frequency Meter is an additional feature, and again, the default value is usually more than good enough, especially as the resolution is only to 1kHz - it is really intended as a quick-check feature in the field rather than a precision measurement tool. But again, if you have access to an accurate frequency counter and a directional coupler with which to sense the RF, then you can sometimes slightly improve on the accuracy.

The voltage, current, and temperature calibration values are the same as with your existing firmware. Once you are happy, save the new values by pressing and holding the OPER button, and then responding to the prompts.

Then once in the normal mode, enter the User Configuration menu by pressing and holding the DISPLAY/CONFIG button until the message:

" User "

is displayed. Step through the various configuration items, setting the values to your desired preferences.

Note that in both the Calibration and the User Configuration modes a brief press of the DISPLAY/CONFIG button will step forward one page, and a press and hold will cause the pages to increment. A brief press of the PWR will decrement the page display to the previous page, and by pressing and holding the PWR button you can quickly step backwards. Page 0 is always announced with a longer beep, and a longer hold time. Note also that the parameter adjust button now auto-repeat, stopping at either the maximum or minimum values for the parameter being adjusted.

Have fun!
73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
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Re: PA100-D updates

Postby HB9VQQ » 19 Apr 2017 10:45

Hi Adrian,

thanks for your very detailed answer. All clear now. I purchased the P100D second hand, that's why it has such an old FW installed. I already managed to get the ingenia bootloader application running, which required some fiddling around with missing dll's. But all ok so far. So I will prepare the RS232 cable and give it a try following your instructions.

TNX agn es vy 73 de Roland
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Re: PA100-D updates

Postby HB9VQQ » 19 Apr 2017 18:43

Adrian, upgrade to 3.00c worked without any problems, thanks again.

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