Problem flashing Firmware

General discussion

Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby 5B4AIY » 15 May 2016 08:11

Post deleted - see later addition with firmware plus bootloader attachment.
Adrian, 5B4AIY
Last edited by 5B4AIY on 15 May 2016 12:37, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby VK4BG » 15 May 2016 10:06

Hi Adrian,

I read some of the previous posts, and surmised that I had a corrupted I have purchased a Pic3 Gizmo, and downloaded the MPLAB IPE Suite of software. I'm a novice at this sort of stuff, but realise that I need to get it right, so I can upload the latest firmware. I have v1.08 loaded, but would like to try your 1.08a.

Once I get the Pic3 Gizmo, I'll see how I go, and call for help it it all goes pear shaped !

Many thanks for your reply.

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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby 5B4AIY » 15 May 2016 12:33

Hi, Glen,
You are correct, the microprocessor comes already loaded with the firmware. As you will have seen from the previous posts on this thread, there appear to be some microprocessors which either do not have the flash-writer or else it is corrupted. I presume that you have tried the various tests to see if your flash-writer is there, and have found that it does not work. In order to correct this you will need to load the full firmware plus flash-writer file using the ICD header (J19) on the DDS board with a PicKit-3 programmer. I am attaching the file to this post to save you having to search for it. The PicKit-3 comes with a stand-alone software package that will allow you to load the HEX file. There is an updated file available on the Microchip website. Note that if you are using anything later than Windows XP, then you will have to set the compatibility mode so that the package runs in a Win-XP environment in order to avoid errors.

Note that you do not have to install the MPLAB IDE just to load the flash-writer package. Especially if you are not going to develop software yourself. You will need to remove the front panel from the transceiver, and simply plug the PicKit-3 programmer onto J19. Make sure you have it oriented correctly! In my case I was able to power the microprocessor from the programmer without a problem. Once you have the complete package installed and the flash-writer is functioning, then firmware updates are very straightforward. The latest firmware that I have produced is version 3, and you can find it on this website.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Firmware v1.05 plus bootloader
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby VK4BG » 16 May 2016 11:51

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the info...I'm just waiting now for the PicKit3 to arrive, and I'll have a go at loading the bootloader, and then upgrading the firmware...fingers crossed !

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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby VK4BG » 25 May 2016 10:40

Hi Adrian and anyone else interested in firmware loading,

I finally received my PicKit3 and using MPLAB IPE v3.3, I was able to load your v3.0 firmware. The radio is working well, and all appears to be as it should be...except...the bootloader still does not initiate when you hold down the VFO button and power up the goes straight into normal operation.

I'm not too concerned about this, as I now know how to load any new firmware using the PicKit3, and it is a reasonably simple procedure using the 6 pin header adjacent to the PIC chip. I had to hold down the power button throughout the upgrade, as advised if you do not have the power switch jumper fitted...but it was easier to hold the button down then try to fiddle the jumper into place !

So...many thanks Adrian...your help was most appreciated.

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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby 5B4AIY » 26 May 2016 15:19

Hi, Glen,

If you loaded my firmware using the PicKit-3 and MPLAB IDE, then as the flash-writer is not present in this HEX file, you will not get it to run. As you have discovered, it is quite easy to flash the microprocessor using the 6-pin ICD header, and, as long as you are quite happy to make any further updates this way, there is no real need to do anything else. I suspect that my v3.00 Build 10 firmware will be the last one unless there are any bugs discovered. (Mind you, I have been saying that for many of the previous release, but in the end I always managed to find something else that would be useful, and so I've kept on updating.)

If you wanted to use the flash-writer and the Ingenia loader to update the firmware via the RS-232 port, then you would have to load the original complete firmware package including the flash-writer that I uploaded to this thread earlier. You can recognise this version, the HEX load file is much larger. You load this using the PicKit-3 and the MPLAB IDE as you have just done. Then you can over-write the original v1.05 firmware with my version via the RS-232 port.

If you do choose to do this, now that you have calibrated the transceiver's measurement system with my firmware installed, make a note of the calibration and configuration settings before re-flashing the microprocessor so that you can restore them when you have reloaded my firmware. You will also have to redo the Auto-Equalisation procedure, but that is easily done and only takes a few seconds.

Happy to have been of assistance.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby KV4TT » 07 Mar 2017 14:12

Hello Group,

While attempting to update the firmware in my PA100-D I have also discovered I have the missing bootloader.
I have purchased and connected a PICKit-3 and am attempting to flash v1.04 with the bootloader so I can upgrade firmware further using the serial connection.
The problem I am having so far is to get the PICKit-3 to connect with the chip.
This is the copied dialog from IPE 3.55

2017-03-07 08:52:58 -0500 - Completed loading IPE.


Connecting to MPLAB PICkit 3...

Currently loaded firmware on PICkit 3
Firmware Suite Version.....01.47.12
Firmware type..............dsPIC30F

Target device was not found (could not detect target voltage VDD). You must connect to a target device to use PICkit 3.

I have connected to the header J19 with the pin 1 of the PICKit 3 on the header pin closest to IC9, or also with the ground connections matching on plug and header.
Is this the correct connection, and have I missed something in the process?

This is my first time doing anything like this. If am hoping one of you kind people can step me through the process .

Thank you
KV4TT - Mike
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby 5B4AIY » 09 Mar 2017 12:26

Hi, Mike,

The in-circuit programming connector is J9, and pin 1 is closest to the microprocessor chip, IC9. The error message you are getting means that the PicKit-3 has not detected the presence of the +5V from the board. Note that when you connect your programmer, it will be upside down and so you will not be able to see the LEDs on the programmer. Check that you have +5V on pin 6 of J9.

If you are using the MicroChip IDE, make sure you have the options set to PROGRAMMER and not DEBUG. It is somewhat easier to use the stand-alone programming software rather than the full IDE, especially if you are not going to do any software development.

Power up the amplifier with the programmer connected, and then try to detect the device.

It can often take some time to drill down into the software mine of MicroChip, but I found the stand-alone programmer here: ...

Adrian, 5B4AIY
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby KV4TT » 09 Mar 2017 13:33

Hello Adrian,

First. Thank you for your guidance :D

I have now successfully flashed the PIC with v1.04/ bootloader and then updated to your wonderful v2 firmware via the serial connection.

I did need to close j4 to ensure power to the chip during programming, and had to set a couple of other check boxes in IPE as it directed me.

My main motivation for the upgrade was to eliminate the SWR alarm when in stby mode, but It will be fun to try some of the other nice options you have programmed.

Again, Thank you,

73 de KV4TT - Mike
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby 5B4AIY » 10 Mar 2017 06:18

Hi, Mike,
Glad to have been of some assistance. I had forgotten that when you wish to flash the firmware, you need to jumper the power switch, thanks for reminding me!

The latest firmware is version 3.00 Build 1, which adds the remote control capability, you can find it on the section of the website reserved for my firmware, or, alternatively if you let me know your email, I can send it to.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
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