try to upgrade

Software developed by Adrian

try to upgrade

Postby HB9FIH » 13 May 2016 08:23

I try to upgrade from 1.20c to 3.0
Unfortunally the PC which I've done ontime an update is down.

Now 2 things:
- I could not find a iblsdpiclist.xml in the zip file.

- some communication issues (TRX and PA100 work fine together with straight cable)
for UpDates I made a special cable for PA100 and one for TRX - but cant etablish any connection.
will try with Laptop, maybe the USB-RS232 Interface.
vy 73 de
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Re: try to upgrade

Postby HB9FZG » 13 May 2016 12:36

Hi Erich,

This is the code of file ibl_dspiclist.xml

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE devices SYSTEM "ingeniadspicbootloader.dtd">
   <device id="0x01C1" name="dsPIC3011">   
      <memcode startaddress="0x000000" endaddress="0x003FFE">
         <bootloader startaddress="0x003E00" endaddress="0x003FFE"/>
      <memdata startaddress="0x7FFC00" endaddress="0x7FFFFE"/>
      <memconfig startaddress="0xF80000" endaddress="0xF8000B">
         <protected startaddress="0xF8000A" endaddress="0xF8000B"/>

   <device id="0x0101" name="dsPIC4011">   
      <memcode startaddress="0x000000" endaddress="0x007FFE">
         <bootloader startaddress="0x007E00" endaddress="0x007FFE"/>
      <memdata startaddress="0x7FFC00" endaddress="0x7FFFFE"/>
      <memconfig startaddress="0xF80000" endaddress="0xF8000B">
         <protected startaddress="0xF8000A" endaddress="0xF8000B"/>

   <device id="0x0080" name="dsPIC5011">   
      <memcode startaddress="0x000000" endaddress="0x00AFFE">
         <bootloader startaddress="0x00AE00" endaddress="0x00AFFE"/>
      <memdata startaddress="0x7FFC00" endaddress="0x7FFFFE"/>
      <memconfig startaddress="0xF80000" endaddress="0xF8000B">
         <protected startaddress="0xF8000A" endaddress="0xF8000B"/>

   <device id="0x0198" name="dsPIC6014">
      <memcode startaddress="0x000000" endaddress="0x017FFE">
         <bootloader startaddress="0x017E00" endaddress="0x017FFE"/>
      <memdata startaddress="0x7FF000" endaddress="0x7FFFFE"/>
      <memconfig startaddress="0xF80000" endaddress="0xF8000B">
         <protected startaddress="0xF8000A" endaddress="0xF8000B"/>

   <device id="0x02C3" name="dsPIC6014A">
      <memcode startaddress="0x000000" endaddress="0x017FFE">
         <bootloader startaddress="0x017D00" endaddress="0x017FFE"/>
      <memdata startaddress="0x7FF000" endaddress="0x7FFFFE"/>
      <memconfig startaddress="0xF80000" endaddress="0xF8000B">
         <protected startaddress="0xF8000A" endaddress="0xF8000B"/>

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Re: try to upgrade

Postby HB9FIH » 13 May 2016 12:52

versuche es dann nächste Woche, denn wenns misslingt ist der CQ-MIR im Eimer.

Try to do next week, bc I would work the CQ-MIR in weekend.

LG erich
vy 73 de
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Re: try to upgrade

Postby 5B4AIY » 14 May 2016 14:54

Hi, Erich,

I am attaching a ZIP file with the file in it. Test the communication between the transceiver and your RS-232 interface using a terminal program on your computer, make quite sure it is working correctly before updating!

Some USB to RS-232 convertors have been found to have problems. The ones that use either the FTDI or the Prolific chipsets have all worked correctly, and are the ones I have been using.

From you photograph, I can see that you have downloaded my firmware update notes, so if you follow those then you should not have a problem. Bear in mind that there have now been literally hundreds of updates made and there have been very few problems.

However, if you do have a problem, then we are all here to help.

Kind regards,

Adrian Ryan
Replacement configuration file.
(491 Bytes) Downloaded 2840 times
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Re: try to upgrade

Postby HB9FIH » 18 May 2016 14:29

I installed them on a WIN7 Home Premium 32Bit and also on my Laptop Win 7 professioanl 64 Bit
but It seems altough Windows says Drivers are ok I am not able to etablish a Connection.
I try now on my Notebook Win 7 Starter 32 Bit

Maybe the USB/RS232 interface is not, or no more compatible.
This I assume then on same PC (yes one here and one on my ship) it worked.
If not works on Notebook I have other ones ...but not here in TA3 - so I wait for next time I am here

TNX Erich
vy 73 de
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Re: try to upgrade

Postby 5B4AIY » 19 May 2016 07:47

Hi, Erich,

The Ingenia loader was originally written to execute under Windows XP, but with the advent of the later operating systems, (Win-Vista, Win-7, Win-8, Win-10) it is necessary to ensure that the compatibility options are set appropriately in order for it to execute correctly. As you seem to have already downloaded my notes, you need to set the compatibility options to Windows XP, SP3, and although not essential, it is often necessary to set it to run with administrative privileges. This is explained in my notes. I have tested the Ingenia loader under Win-XP, Win-7 (32 bit and 64 bit), and Win 10 (64 bit), and it worked perfectly well in all cases with the compatibility settings as described.

Equally, it is absolutely vital that the replacement configuration file (ibl_dspiclist.xml) is loaded into the folder where the loader executable is located. This is typically, for a 32-bit system:

C:\Program Files\Ingenia\ingeniadsPICbootloader\

or, for a 64-bit system:

C:\Program Files(x86)\Ingenia\ingeniadsPICbootloader\

Without this file you will not be able to communicate satisfactorily with the flash writer in the transceiver or linear amplifier.

You can verify that you have the correct configuration file, its 32-bit CRC is: D5465531

You also need to make certain that the RS-232 port in the transceiver/linear is functioning correctly, and again, there is a simple check for this in my notes. With these factors taken care of, then it is necessary to ensure that the RS-232 to USB converter is also functioning correctly. Using a terminal program you can test this by invoking the serial test facility in the transceiver or linear.

The flash writer and loader are written so that they will automatically select the speed, but you can preset it yourself. Try using a slower speed, as sometimes the highest speed does not work very reliably. Most communication difficulties are caused by (in order of frequency):

1. Failing to replace the .xml configuration file;

2. Failing to set the compatibility and administrative options;

3. Using an incompatible RS232 to USB converter;

4. Hardware fault in the MAX232 port of either the transceiver or linear amplifier;

5. Corrupted flash writer in either the transceiver or linear.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
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Location: Cyprus

Re: try to upgrade

Postby HB9FIH » 25 May 2016 04:57

I use the Profilic adapter.
Seems this is not compatible with my WIN7 home pro
I'll try another one
vy 73 de
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