TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

General discussion

TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby F4GCB » 11 May 2016 13:08

Hello the TX136/500 builders,

This new unofficial version 1.08 gives the following changes :

- CW identity option added : 12 or 24 wpm to accord with licensing conditions

- Script mode added : the serial control commands can be recorded and played to have a TX136/500 automation so as to create a different powers and modes beacon
- Possibility to play a carrier in an CW message
- Saving in the EEPROM reduced to preserve the byte endurance : If the jumper Q4 isn’t put, the Auto Power On parameter in the Service mode must be OFF to avoid an EEPROM saving at each beacon running
- Delay added during the scrolling of the characters list to make a choice easier in the configuration menu
- Some bugs fixed.

Having no TX500 this software has been validated on TX136.
If you update with this version don’t forget that the calibration values will be reset.

For the ones who will try it, thanks in advance for your feedback.
73, Patrick F4GCB
TX136-500 v1.08 (C-source+HEX load file+instructions).zip
CWID and Script mode added
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Re: TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby F4GCB » 11 May 2016 13:11

And as usual for our Japanese friends, here is the version 1.08j which limits the RF power according to the portable regulation in Japan.

73, Patrick F4GCB
TX136-500 v1.08j (HEX load file).zip
Japanese portable regulation
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Re: TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby JH1GVY » 12 May 2016 10:16

I strongly hope the software that allows sending a six-digit Grid in WSPR mode.
Error in the four-digit Grid on WSPR Map is too large.
Many of Japan's LF band enthusiasts will operate in the field by the housing situation. Since the location to operate changes frequently must be sent in 6-digit Grid also each time.
Ultimate3S is available for six columns of transmission.
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Re: TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby LA6LU » 24 May 2016 11:49

JH1GVY wrote:I strongly hope the software that allows sending a six-digit Grid in WSPR mode.
Error in the four-digit Grid on WSPR Map is too large.
Many of Japan's LF band enthusiasts will operate in the field by the housing situation. Since the location to operate changes frequently must be sent in 6-digit Grid also each time.
Ultimate3S is available for six columns of transmission.

Hi Mori,

The normal WSPR specification does not allow 6 for characters grid squares, it has to do with how the WSPR protocol is made. You need to go for the more special WSPR-15 mode if you want 6 characters grids. I am not 100% sure, but the current firmware ver. 1.08 (probably) does not support the WSPR-15 mode. Another drawback is that WSPR-15 is not used by many, so what you gain with enhanced decoding, is in a way lost by fewer participants.

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Geir, LA6LU
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Re: TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby LA6LU » 24 May 2016 12:40

Hi again Mori,

" I am not 100% sure, but the current firmware ver. 1.08 (probably) does not support the WSPR-15 mode."

I was wrong, WSPR-15 was supported from ver, 1.06. Sorry about that.
So you need to go for WSPR-15 if you want 6 character grids.

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Geir, LA6LU
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Re: TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby LA6LU » 25 May 2016 18:33

Hello Patric,

I have successfully flashed my TX500 with ver 1.08.

I am interested in running CW beacon mode combined with WSPR mode. I hope this is possible to do, eventually with scripts.
Are there any additional documentation on how to enter a working script and what those symbols actually means?
I have found the TX136-500 manual v1.08, but it does not explain this as far as I understand it.

Her is what I would like to do:

Timeframe: 10 (repeated each 10'th minute)

|-> hh:00 CW Beacon w/callsign & message
| hh:01 CW Beacon ---------"-------------------
| hh:02 WSPR-2
| hh:03 WSPR-2 + Ending CW ident (callsign)
| hh:04 CW Beacon w/callsign & message
| hh:05 CW Beacon ---------"-------------------
| hh:06 WSPR-2
| hh:07 WSPR-2 + Ending CW ident (callsign)
| hh:08 CW Beacon w/callsign & message|
| hh:09 CW Beacon ---------"-------------------
|-< hh:10 Repeat

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Geir, LA6LU
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Re: TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby F4GCB » 26 May 2016 16:08

Hello Geir,

In the TX136/500 manual v1.08, the serial set commands which are listed in the « Serial protocol: TX136/500 » column can be used to create a script.
The default script in eeprom is "=G1=D3=B1=ZT10" that means :
=G1 mode QRSS
=D3 dot time to 3 s
=B1 run the beacon
=ZT10 10 s wait
the script will be repeat according to the script frame.

your frame project is not quite simple because only the WSPR mode can be run with a timer.
A possibility is to add delay times after the CW beacon transmissions with several trials
to find the good values.

73 Patrick F4GCB
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Re: TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby LA6LU » 26 May 2016 17:51

Hello Patrick.

Great and thanks for the reply and info.

I Just found the serial protocol document now and will have a look at it very soon as I am working with my Juma right now.

The plan was to put the Juma on air with alternating WSPR & CW beacon modes at Monday. But if alternating is not possible, I must figure out something else (WSPR) :)

I already have a 16.5 meter high Marconi-X and a homemade HD ATU and is used by a QRP Labs U3 running alternating modes and frequencies between 475.625 Khz WSPR and 476.500 kHz CW Beacon modes. The plan I posted in my previous post didn't show that actually two frequencies are used for this. What the U3 does, it does not time the CW start, it just jump there when the WSPR is finished. It's then my responsibility to fill the next two minutes with CW beacon messages, I do that by duplicating the same CW beacon message four times. When the last duplicate is finished sent that slot is used. i.e nothing more to do and and we are close to the next time WSPR actually can start. So my U3 wait perhaps 1 or 2 seconds and start the next WSPR slot. When that is finished, I have used four minutes of the 10 min timeframe. Then as soon as the WSPR is finished, I do it similar as for the first two CW minute, for minute 5 and 6, where I again send CW beacon duplicates four tmes. Then the last WSPR slot. I have now used eight minutes. I now only have one minute left (minute 9) of the 10 min total timeframe, where I only send CW beacon duplicates two tmes. The last minute, nothing is transmitted and the U3 does into GPS self calibration. If this was a Juma, the Juma work differently, so last two minutes could be used for four CW messages, like the first and the second.

I mention this just so you can get an idea of what I was hoping for with the scripts. If it's not possible....well, then it is not possible and I have to live with using single modes & single frequencies with the Juma. The Juma's 60 watts over the U3's 2.5 watt, will give me a better punch out and I have already tested the Juma on my antenna with the original firmware. I will still switch transmitter from the U3 to the Juma at Monday evening and be on air with the Juma, but only on WSPR as long as I test this.

I have one question: have I understood scrips correctly, when I say scripts don't loop and are executed only once (i.e. manually)?

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Geir, LA6LU
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Re: TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby F4GCB » 27 May 2016 07:10

Hello Geir,

Just to answer your question.
The script can be looped continuously or n times (1 to 99) via the script frame parameter.
However in the script, a command beacon (=B1) runs the TX once regardless of the frame
configuration of the concerned mode.

73 Patrick F4GCB
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Re: TX136/500 V1.08 CWID and Script mode added

Postby JH1GVY » 28 May 2016 07:30

Hi Geir,
I'm sorry to reply late.

There is no mechanism to send the 6-digit GL in WSPR-2 protocol. In WSPR-15 protocol has a mechanism to send the 6-digit GL.
Are these correct?
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