Build Environment ???

Software developed by Adrian

Build Environment ???

Postby KD4PWU » 18 Nov 2013 00:01

Is there a description of the development/build environment used to with the JUMA PA100D?

I have downloaded the "PA-100D 1.05f Build" kit and would like to consider extending the interface so that I can manage the amp from a remote location on my LAN.

I would like a description of the development environment. What software tools are being used (MPLab, C compiler)? What versions?

KO2F (formerly KD4PWU)
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Re: Build Environment ???

Postby 5B4AIY » 23 Nov 2013 07:40

Hi, Bob,
You are using an old version of the firmware. The latest version is 1.05k build 4, if you send me an email, I'll send it to you.

The development environment used is the MicroChip IDE version 8.76 and the compiler is the MicroChip C30 version 2.05 updated to v2.056. The size limitations of the website means that I had to strip out all the compiler ancillary files leaving only the C source plus the HEX load file and the user manual.

If you would like the full set of source files complete with the supporting ancillary files produced by the IDE/compiler, then send me an email, and I'll ZIP them up for you.

Note that I have not updated to the latest version of the MicroChip compiler, which I believe is v3.30. I am quite happy with my version, and, having tried a demo version of the latest compiler I find that my source and header files are no longer compatible, and it will not compile. If you are going to use this latest compiler, then you are going to have to make quite a number of changes to get it to work. You may still be able to find this earlier version of the compiler in the archive section of the MicroChip website.

In my development environment, I have two hard disks, drive C: has only the O/S and other executables, no data is ever stored on this drive. Drive D: on the other hand contains everything else. There is a folder: Projects and in this is a folder: Juma PA100D containing the project. If you replicate this arrangement, then it should all run without a hitch. Simply launch the IDE and set up a project for the PA100D in the same way as I have done.

I presume you already have the Ingenia loader and have managed to get that to work properly.

If I can be of any further assistance, let me know. My email is:

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
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Re: Build Environment ???

Postby HB9FZG » 21 Apr 2016 20:47

I'am in the same situation as Bob. I want to run the PA in remote operation. It would be nice to read some status info over RS232 and show that on a webpage.

Maybe someone has already made some extension in the code?

73, Uwe, HB9FZG
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Re: Build Environment ???

Postby 5B4AIY » 23 Apr 2016 06:57

Hi, guys,
It is perfectly possible to both control and read the status of the amplifier via its RS-232 serial port. Indeed, some time ago I developed an experimental version to do this from the Juma TRX-2 transceiver, and it was quite satisfactory. It was also possible to control the amplifier and read its status using a terminal program, so it would not be all that difficult to devise a suitable web page with which to do the same. Obviously you will have to find some way to convert the RS-232 data into a form that can be transferred via a LAN, or even a Bluetooth interface, but there are certainly devices available for this. I will state, however, that I am not going to release this experimental version. It was never intended to be a release, and was only developed using "Q&D" code to prove that it would work, and in the end, the task for which it was developed ended and there has never been any reason to resurrect it. In any case, the base version that was modified has now been significantly changed and enhanced, and it would take quite a lot of work to bring it up to the latest standard. Moreover, I suspect that this 'special' feature would only be of interest to a very small number of people. As I said in answer to this question previously, if you would like the full suite of both the source files and the development environment files of the latest version, you can email me, and I would be happy to send them to you. The code is well commented, and you should have little trouble adding in the necessary command and control protocols.
73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
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Re: Build Environment ???

Postby HB9FZG » 04 May 2016 14:35

Hi guys,

Enhancing the firmware code, I have several obstacles to avoid.

The development environment Adrian is using is no longer available for free. Compiling the code in the current free environment throws a lot of errors.
As I'am new to Microchip hardware, I may need some help from the community to overcome this problems, which mostly are easy for experienced Microchip users to solve.

In the latest source available, there is some serial test data which is useful to display the status of the PA. I will try to use this to have a webpage for that data showing the status of the PA. The conversion will be done by an Particle Photon or equal.

The reason why I will modify the firmware is simple: I run the PA in another room. I have a SunSDR2-Pro which I control over Ethernet. So I would like to modify the firmware of the PA100-D to be somehow failure tolerant. If the SWR is to high, the PA will pass through and recover the error when the PTT signal is released.

Dont hesitate to give a short answer in this thread if you would help to keep this fine hardware developed in 2008 keeping alive in the future.

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Re: Build Environment ???

Postby HB9FZG » 05 May 2016 21:58


Half of the job has been done. I was able to program the CPU with the hex file containing version 1.04 and bootloader. Then I updated to 2.00b.v4 without any hickups.Next steps are bringing the legacy code to live on the current dev environment.

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