Problem flashing Firmware

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Problem flashing Firmware

Postby DL3AD » 06 Mar 2016 09:25


a new Juma TRX2A is alive :D it works fine.

Testing RS232 works also. But i´am not able to flash new FW .
I hold VFO Button and push PWR button - no responds to Bootloader - ingenia did not find the Juma

Wat is wrong ? - please HELP :roll:

73, Frank
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby 5B4AIY » 07 Mar 2016 06:32

Good Morning, Frank,

The first thing is to check that your TRX-2 is actually executing the flash writer code. With nothing connected to the RS-232 port, from the power OFF state, press and hold the VFO button. Whilst holding the button, briefly press the PWR button to turn the transceiver on. You should immediately see the LCD light up and display the message:

JUMA TRX-2 Flash
Writer started ..

Release the VFO button, and after 5 seconds the transceiver should drop into its normal boot mode and power up.
If you do not see this message then it means that the flash writer code is corrupted or missing. Unfortunately, the only way to correct that is to re-program the microprocessor using the programming interface connector on the DDS/Controller board, using a Pickit-3 or similar loader. You cannot reload the code using the serial port, you have to proceed as if the microprocessor's memory is blank.

Even if you do have to re-program the microprocessor, the procedure is quite straightforward, and I have written a guide explaining how to do this, but it does mean you will have borrow or purchase a Pickit-3 programmer.

However, please verify your flash writer as described above before doing anything else.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby DL3AD » 07 Mar 2016 07:29

Good Morning Adrian,

No message in LCD - the flash writer code is corrupted or missing.
I'll purchase a Pickit-3 programmer and re-programm the PIC.

73, Frank
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Joined: 17 Feb 2016 19:19
Location: Germany

Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby 5B4AIY » 07 Mar 2016 08:13

OK, just a thought - have you ensured that your VFO button is working? I know it sounds obvious, but if for some reason your transceiver is not recognising the VFO button, then this would obviously cause a problem.

If the VFO button is being recognised, then, yes, you will have to re-flash the microprocessor. Using the PICkit-3 you can do this using the MPLAB IDE, but there is a stand-alone package that will also allow you to accomplish this without having to load the full development suite, especially if you have intention of writing or modifying the firmware for the transceiver yourself.

You will also need the complete boot loader package which is available on this web site. If you need any help, let me know.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby DL3AD » 07 Mar 2016 12:00

... Yes the VFO Button is working - i can change the VFO

I'll load the full MPLAB to have a look to the FW - one of my favorites is programming of µC - AVR, FPC with Lazarus... - and now i'll have a look to the PICs :D

TNX for replay

73, Frank
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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby DL3AD » 10 Mar 2016 19:13


bootloader is now programmed - new firmware works fine :D

73, Frank
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Location: Germany

Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby HB9FZG » 02 May 2016 20:29


I have the same problem with my new PA100-D. Software is 1.04. Holding the OPER button during power on only brings up a message to press SET to do factory reset (which BTN is SET?)
RS232 is working fine.

Sadly, that I have to buy a extra programmer to update the firmware :roll:

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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby 5B4AIY » 03 May 2016 05:46

Hi, Uwe,

In version 1.04 of the original firmware, to restore the factory defaults when prompted, briefly press the 'AUTO' button.

I am surprised that this is yet another case where the flash writer code is either missing or corrupted and does not execute. Unfortunately, yes, you will have to use a PicKit-3 or similar programmer to re-flash the microprocessor with the complete firmware and boot loader package. Fortunately this is quite simple, and once it is done, you should then be able to update the firmware without a problem. You will find that the PicKit-3 will simply plug onto the 6-pin header on the LCD control board. It is easier if you remove the complete front panel of your PA-100D to connect the programmer. Although the Microchip documentation does not recommend using the programmer to power the microprocessor during programming, as the current consumption is low it is quite capable of doing so, and I found that it was the easiest way to proceed.

If you need any assistance, let me know, and I'll be happy to help.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
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Location: Cyprus

Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby HB9FZG » 05 May 2016 21:26

Hi Adrian

The PICKit3 arrived yesterday. So I was able to program the CPU with the HEX containing software and bootloader. The update to V2b-04 was also very easy. I will start a new thread about porting your source to the new development environment.

Thank you very much for your support.

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Re: Problem flashing Firmware

Postby VK4BG » 10 May 2016 10:07

Hi Gents,

I've just finished my TRX2A....all went together with no problems...till I went to flash the firmware.

Holding the VFO Button and pushing the green power button powered up the radio, but it never told me that the bootloader was working.

So, after much head scratching, I realised what the start up screen was telling me..." JUMA TRX2A Ver 1.08 ".

The firmware was already on board.

The radio works fine, and I have never loaded the firmware, as I cannot get it to the " Bootloader Ready" State. I can only assume that the Kit came with the PIC already programmed, although the bootloader does not appear to be functional. I don't know how I will be able to upgrade the firmware if this is required, as there is no bootloader that I can find...but, I'm happy at the moment as everything works fine !

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