Amateur Radio Gathering in Finland

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Amateur Radio Gathering in Finland

Postby W4YN » 14 Nov 2011 00:11

I am a member of SRAL and enjoy the looking at schematics and pictures in Radioamatoori however I do not read Finish!
I would like to visit a gathering in Finland of radio amateurs some day.
Is there a large gathering similar to Dayton Ohio Hamvention in Finland, if so when is the next gathering?
Tim W4YN
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Re: Amateur Radio Gathering in Finland

Postby OH2LH » 27 Nov 2011 19:27

Hello Tim,

Nice to hear you and that you are interested in Finnish amateur gathering.

The Finnish radioamateur league, (Suomen RadioAmatööri Liitto=) SRAL is having twice a year a short convention, normally one or two days.
This happens normally at spring around april - may time (this so called "spring" convention). Another is so called "autum" convention normally at November.
SRAL had just last week (19th of Nov.) latest convention in town called Huittinen. About 250 visitors visited place and around 150 persons registered them selves.
In these conventions there are typically lectures, fleamarket and official league meeting and ofcourse face to face qsos :)

BUT, the biggest Convention is called SRAL summer camp! Summer camp is the best place to meet people. Normally around 1000+ hams meet there(in Finland we have about 6000 hams). Summer camp is held typically around the middle of the July, the best time in Finland since the summer is the best at that time! See from the Finnish magazine "Radioamatööri" the next summer camp info. In finnish it is called "SRAL ry kesäleiri". Also more information can be found from SRAL´s home pages : and that is in english.... ;)
Summer camp has also lectures about interested issues (new tecnologies, contest, DXing, training and working), fleamarket (ofcourse), BBQ, sitting and chatting next to the fireplace, and ofcourse some crazy things (like last summer camp a group of VHF UHF SHF hams brought a mobile EME station with dia 4,5m mobile dish antenna and had qsos ofcourse...)

73 de Heikki OH2LH
Posts: 7
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Location: Finland

Re: Amateur Radio Gathering in Finland

Postby W4YN » 07 Dec 2011 04:12

TNX Heikki

Have they established a firm date in July for "Summer Camp"?
Is it difficult to find hotel rooms during this event?
Do you have a recommendation on where to stay while visiting?
Very 73, Tim W4YN
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Re: Amateur Radio Gathering in Finland

Postby OH2LH » 07 Dec 2011 20:40

Hello Tim,

Nice to hear you again.
For SRAL summer camp 2012 neither date or place are not yet confirmed.
Normally organizers (some SRAL´s member ham club) announce the date early january/february (2012)
IF the place is what I have heard rumours of, there is possibility to have hotel like and log cabin type accommondation.
Also it is possible to come with motorhome/trailer and even with your own tent! This place is about 150km NW from Helsinki, the capital.
Stay tuned !! I will inform you when the location is confirmed.
Posts: 7
Joined: 13 Nov 2011 19:59
Location: Finland

Re: Amateur Radio Gathering in Finland

Postby OH2LH » 10 Jan 2012 20:44

Hello Tim and other interested ham fellows around the globe !

Finnish radio amateur league (=SRAL) summer camp will be held in Sappee ski and winter activity resort july 12th to 15th 2012. THIS IS PRELIMINARY INFORMATION , SOME CHANGES ARE POSSIBLE!
More information about the place: ... n&sivu=179

NOTE!!! DON`T TRY TO DO ANY RESERVATIONS YET. The ski resort is having winter season and they don´t have yet opened any booking space for summer events. There will be a SRAL quota for reservations.
I will inform here when the summer camp reservation bookings are opened.

I contacted JUMA designer Matti, OH7SV, and discussed with him about possibility to have live JUMA forum at the summer camp. Matti almost promissed to come, I have to chat also with Juha....

You all JUMA fans are welcome to partisipate summer camp!!

Stay tuned !

73 de Heikki OH2LH
Posts: 7
Joined: 13 Nov 2011 19:59
Location: Finland

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