Juma TRX-1

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Juma TRX-1

Postby ok1rp » 23 Jan 2015 14:53

Hello all,

as it is long time ago when my last deal on flea market was cancelled and I did not bought the TRX-1 finally I looked for another one again.
Luckily I found another TRX-1 for sale locally and the radio should be on its way to my home now. It was not as cheap as the last offer but...
It seemed to not be in greatest shape and not aligned well but OK...I will see what it will arrive to me.
I hope that I will be able to report over here my first QSO with Juma TRX-1 soon. ;)
I will be very happy to get any kind of experiences, mods etc. for this transceiver please.

73 - Petr, OK1RP
Posts: 70
Joined: 27 Feb 2012 23:20
Location: Czech Republic

Re: Juma TRX-1

Postby ok1rp » 26 Jan 2015 10:26


just FYI the latest available s/w for TRX1:

- v1.00r > Juma_trx1v1_00r.zip (Juma)
- v7.1a > Juma TRX-1 v7.1a (Auto-Reset).zip (5B4AIY)

If anybody know about later or another s/w then please let me know.

My best regards,
73 - Petr, OK1RP
Posts: 70
Joined: 27 Feb 2012 23:20
Location: Czech Republic

Re: Juma TRX-1

Postby ok1rp » 26 Jan 2015 23:06

Hello all,

my TRX1 just arrived and it is unboxed on my table.
It not looks so good. Assembly is pretty bad. Soldering looks terrible. The enclosure holes and painting manufacturing is also not nice. Even although the radio is not in good shape I am confident that I will be able to put it into good conditions and I will have it on board ready for operating quite soon.

First I will have to change the housing, replace pots, encoder and boards to new enclosure etc. Also the wiring will need to be repaired and then I will be ready to start the alignment according to manual. It will take a lot of time but I hope that in the end I will have nice Jumato play with...

Best regards,

73 - Petr, OK1RP
Posts: 70
Joined: 27 Feb 2012 23:20
Location: Czech Republic

Re: Juma TRX-1

Postby ok1rp » 12 Feb 2015 14:08

Hi all,

just quick report...

My arrived TRX-1 going to be re-housed. All must go out of the old cabinet. New nice housing is ready to be drilled and cuted the frames for installing the PCBs and ancils to there. I hope it will be done in next 2wks as I will be partly outside the home for business trips.

73 - Petr, OK1RP
Posts: 70
Joined: 27 Feb 2012 23:20
Location: Czech Republic

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