TX136/500 WSPR modes added

General discussion

Re: TX136/500 WSPR modes added

Postby JH1GVY » 14 Dec 2014 00:25

I show below some ideas,
1. I want to save beacon messages separately in CW and QRSS/DFCW.
In many cases, the number of letters is from only 3 to 6 in the QRSS/DFCW beacon (a call sign or the contracted form).
2. The beacon messages of QRSS/DECW and WSPR want to program it without a PC.
Particularly, it is convenience that QRSS/DFCW and WSPR program with front panel buttons of TX136/500 because there is little number of the letters. For example, I program it with buttons of FREQ+, FREQ-, RF PWR and OPER when a call sign, a grid and power are displayed in the WSPR page of the CONFIG mode.
3. When there is a change with CONFIG mode, it is desirable that a state is stored promptly when I close CONFIG mode.
Portable use of LF is active in Japan, and the save of CONFIG is effective because, in that case, a power supply may be cut out without intending.
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Re: TX136/500 WSPR modes added

Postby JH1GVY » 17 Dec 2014 04:25

I succeeded in the synchronization with the GPS receiver.
The DT indication in the WPR-2 reception was between -1.2 second and -1.7 second.
I calibrate the PC which I used for WSPR-2 decoding within 200 milliseconds every 30 minutes at the Internet time.
GPS receiver
pct1.jpg (18.76 KiB) Viewed 13003 times
GPS Sync.
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Re: TX136/500 WSPR modes added

Postby JH1GVY » 19 Dec 2014 01:32

Please confirm that a transmission start is not from 0 second.

http://www.physics.princeton.edu/pulsar ... 0_User.pdf
Appendix B: Specifications of the WSPR Protocol
Page 12

• Transmissions nominally start one second into an even UTC minute: i.e., at
hh:00:01, hh:02:01, ...

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Re: TX136/500 WSPR modes added

Postby KB8VAO » 12 Feb 2015 02:34

Hello Patrick,
I have a question about the new mode added to the TX500. If I
would upload the version with WSPR, will I be able to switch back
to CW? OR, would I have to switch back to the original software
in order to send CW again? Please let me know what you can.
It sounds very interesting, but I'm just wondering about the process
of switching between modes.

Thank You & 73,
Steve, KB8VAO
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Re: TX136/500 WSPR modes added

Postby F4GCB » 14 Feb 2015 00:43

Hello Steve

Don’t worry. The 1.06 release adds WSPR mode but doesn’t remove old modes.
In the Configuration page (long push display/config button) the Mode menu permits
to choose between the following modes: CW, QRSS, DFCW, WSPR-2 and WSPR-15.
Enjoy with WSPR.

Patrick F4GCB
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Re: TX136/500 WSPR modes added

Postby 7L1RLL » 24 Mar 2015 01:14

My JUMA TX500 with firmware vertion V1.06c and additional LPF500kHz has been passed MIC's(Ministy of Internal affair and Communication in Japan) Inspection at March 19 2015.
Maximum output power was 35W and the suprious was -75dB at MIC's inspection. No interfarence to BC radio was detected.
Thank you.
7L1RLL Rick
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Re: TX136/500 WSPR modes added

Postby JH1GVY » 07 Apr 2015 06:17

Connection of the GPS receiver in case of me.
tx136_gms6-cr6.gif (8.13 KiB) Viewed 12691 times
tx136_gps.jpg (22.33 KiB) Viewed 12709 times
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Re: TX136/500 WSPR modes added

Postby 7L1RLL » 30 Apr 2015 07:20

Hi Patrick,
Would you please modify the firmware 1.06c on start time of WSPR so that become one second late start?
Correct start time of WSPR-2 is 01 second of even minutes.
My problem is time differency(DT) is somewhat -1.9 to -1.0 range.
I will attach an example of GPS output stream that show a time represented by a decimal fraction.
Present start time is 59.990 means 00 in integer number. This start is 1.01 second earlyer than the normal WSPR starting time.
Please change 1 second late to start as 00.990 (0.01 second erarlyer than the WSPR standard).
I think this scheme will be effected on WSPR-15 also.

===An Example of GPS Output (From ICOM ID-31 GPS Output)====
$GPGGA,061259.990,3535.4223,N,13930.6230E,E,1. <= Present start line(I assume)
$GPGGA,061300.990,3535.4221,N,13930.6231,E,1. <= Should be started at this time.

Notes : Fraction number vary depending on the device. or connected time.
7L1RLL Rick
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Re: TX136/500 WSPR modes added

Postby 7L1RLL » 15 May 2015 07:22

Hi Patrick,
I am sorry to mis-understanding on the starting time in your WSPR program.
I have read your program code in both serial_gps.c subprogram and wspr.c subprogram.
It is correct started time as specified in the wspr specification.

1)The variable second is converted from real number to interger as follows:
--------- quoted--------------
minutes = (cmd_buf[sep[0]+3] - 48) * 10 + cmd_buf[sep[0]+4] - 48;
seconds = (cmd_buf[sep[0]+5] - 48) * 10 + cmd_buf[sep[0]+6] - 48;
--------- unquoted-----------

2)Starting time in wspr.c() is defined as follows:
----------- quoted------------
if (eeprom.defval.mode == MODE_WSPR2 && !(minutes % 2) && seconds == 1) // timeslot every 2 minutes and 1 second
else if (eeprom.defval.mode == MODE_WSPR15 && !(minutes % 15) && seconds == 1) // timeslot every 15 minutes and 1 second
else start_ts = 0;
----------- unquoted ----------

This means wspr starting will be 01.000s to 01.999s so seconds is not affected in millisecond.
Sorry again de 7L1RLL, Rick
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