New Firmware For TRX-1

General discussion

New Firmware For TRX-1

Postby 5B4AIY » 11 May 2013 07:01

There is now new firmware for the Juma TRX-1 DSB/CW QRP Transceiver that incorporates a number of new features and facilities. For full details, please see the section of this website related to my firmware.

NOTE: This is NOT an official new release! It is simply my customisation of this little jewel, but, try it out and see if you like its new features.

NOTE: There are two slightly different versions, v7.0c and v7.1a - please read the descriptions for the slightly different operation of these versions.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
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Location: Cyprus

Re: New Firmware For TRX-1

Postby ok1rp » 26 Jul 2014 06:50

Hello Adrian,

Thanks for your great job! We will be happy to know if any new release will be launched.

... and one more think. Did You though about the chance to implement also the 60m band please? With this third band TRX-1 transceiver will comes to be really amazing backpacker, Sota workhorse and portable/weekend house tool on CW i guess because of 40m for Sota, 60m for ragchewers and 80m for weekend portable fun...

Best regards,

73 - Petr, ok1rp
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Re: New Firmware For TRX-1

Postby 5B4AIY » 27 Jul 2014 09:26

Hi, Petr,

I'm happy that you like the new firmware for the TRX-1, it's always nice to have some feedback.

Unfortunately there will not be any further updates. It is not possible to include the 60m band in the Rapid Band Switch feature for a number of reasons:

1. There are a number of differing licencing conditions in the various countries, which makes fully automatic band limit monitoring extremely difficult. I thought of this when I modified the Juma TRX-2 firmware and simply had to give up, you would have to have a frequency table for virtually every different administration.

2. Even without the different licencing conditions, there is simply no more memory available. This version of the firmware uses 4081 program words and there are only 4096 words available, so there is only 15 left. It was quite a programming job to get all the features that I have included within the available memory. Part of the difficulty is that the RAM map for the microprocessor is not contiguous - some areas are reserved for the microprocessor's internal use which causes fragmentation of the memory space. This means that sometimes even a minor code change which does not alter the number of program words used does change the RAM allocation map, and the compiler may not be able to find enough contiguous memory. So there is no way of incorporating the 60m frequency allocation in the Calibration & Setup menu - there simply is not enough room.

You can still operate on 60m. You would have to disable the Out-Of-Band detection by setting that option to OFF in the Calibration & Setup menu. When the VFO frequency is higher than 4MHz, then the 20m output filter is automatically selected, so the PA would be using the correct filter. Note however that the second harmonic would be at about 10MHz, and the filter will pass this frequency without significant attenuation, so an external low-pass filter or antenna tuning unit is desirable.

As for making this firmware operate in the RX-1 and TX-1, this would certainly be possible. Essentially the same code is used, except for eliminating the TX code for the RX-1, and, naturally, the RX code for the TX-1. I do not have either of these kits, so I am unable to develop these versions, as I would have to write it 'blind'. Someone else would then have to test it, and the optimisation and bug fixing would become extremely tedious and lengthy.

Nevertheless, these are excellent kits for introducing Amateur Radio, and I wish you every success. If you have need of technical assistance, I will be happy to help.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
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Location: Cyprus

Re: New Firmware For TRX-1

Postby ok1rp » 27 Jul 2014 10:43

Hello Adrian!

Thank you for your detailed reply.
Well when you are talking about ability to operate 60m with the Out-Of-Band detection setting to OFF you are talking about TRX-2A right? What i am thinking about is the possibility to operate 60m with TRX-1 which is the 80/40m dualbander currently. My idea is that if dds is covering 80/40 then 60m in the middle maybe can be reachable...
The question is the memory, filters, etc. But to have TRX-1 as 3-bander with 80-60-40m for CW is amazing and quite useful for backpack and weekend or portable usage. It can raising up the TRX-1 attractiveness a lot i am sure!

I did not checked the schematics but thinking about it.

Thank you Adriand for kind support.
73 - Petr, ok1rp
Posts: 70
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Re: New Firmware For TRX-1

Postby 5B4AIY » 28 Jul 2014 12:44

Hi, Petr,
No, when I am talking about operating on 60m, I am specifically referring to the TRX-1 - it is perfectly possible. I was referring to the new firmware I wrote for the TRX-1 which incorporates out-of-band detection. You would need to set this option to OFF in the Setup & Calibration menu of this new firmware.

This new firmware also allows operation on 160m, so as it stands you would be able to operate on 160m, 80m, 60m, and 40m I'm sorry about the typographic error where I mentioned 20m, I meant 40m.

So although you would not have out-of-band detection, provided you keep within the band edges then you can successfully operate on these bands with this firmware.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
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Location: Cyprus

Re: New Firmware For TRX-1

Postby ok1rp » 28 Jul 2014 13:54


excellent! Thank You for Your feedback. It sounds really cool...
So if I understand well then using Your excellent latest s/w v7.1.a without any code changes the TRX-1 can be used from 160-80-60-40m. Just the auto-band-detection need to dissabled and on 160m will be the 80LPF used while on 60m the 40m LPF will be used without the significant attenuation? If it works like this then the country band coverage compliance self-responsibility and additional 160m/60m LPF is a must.

I am going to be really eager to arrive the TRX-1 for our kids club.
In that case TRX-1 comes to be amazing, really amazing LowBander workhorse perfectly suitable for backpacking (40m), weekend house (160-40m), local chatting (80m) as same as 60m experiments on CW! What is the really cool radio.

I will report You Adrian when the transceiver will arrive.

73 - Petr, OK1RP
Posts: 70
Joined: 27 Feb 2012 23:20
Location: Czech Republic

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