PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

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PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

Postby HB9FIH » 13 Jun 2014 20:52

I try to get work following:
PA100D F-Sense (RS232 not used) (F-Sense works also well with TRX2A)
TRX2 - V1.06 - RS232 connected to PC (WIN64) and the Elecraft USB Cable (is RS232/USB Interface).
First I set the UCXLog to Yaesu (817...). From UCXlog I have an TX AutoDetect Option. Suddently the connection is found with 4800Bd - but I have defined in TRX2A other speed. Also when I set this manually - there is no communication possible between uCXLog and Juma.
any suggestions ?
Maybe the cable from Elecraft is not usable for this ? (The KX3 works well with the UCXLog, also the Yaesu FT857D)
Unfortunally the Yaesu (FT857D) RS232-USB has another plug).

I would like to work the Portugal Day with the Juma TRX2A and PA100D if I have the solution, otherwise I work with KX3 and the PA100D.
PA100D Question
Is there any manual ?
HF Cable : TRX2A -> Pa100D -> SG239 Automatic Ant Tuner -> Backstage Antenna on Saling boat.
Until the tuner has tuned the SWR beep occours (I've set the level now to 1:4) - then I have mostly a SWR 160m about 3 / 80-10m between 1.1-2.5 - but in any case the PWR is maximal 66W (PWR in TRX2A shows 6.3W) ((Yes thats 100dB)- mabe the reason : the SWR between TRX2A and PA100D is 1.5 (why not 1:1) ?
Just recognized (23:30) I tried to work with KX3 and the PA100D (F-Sense) - driven with 5-10W from KX3
But no Power amplified and PWR output - (the SG239 recognized the same power from KX3)

Thanks for any suggestions and tipps.
vy 73 de
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Re: PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

Postby 5B4AIY » 15 Jun 2014 06:33

Good Morning, Erich,
There may be a number of reasons why you are unable to communicate with the TRX-2. First, the KX3 USB cable (Elecraft reference: KXUSB) does not use standard RS-232 voltage levels. The RS-232 standard defines logic 1/Mark as a voltage between -3V and -18V; it defines logic 0/Space as a voltage between +3V and +18V. The voltage between +3V and -3V is undefined. The Elecraft USB-RS232 adaptor uses +12V for the logic 0/Space, and 0V for logic 1/Mark. If your TRX-2 serial port is working correctly it may well work with these non-standard voltage levels. I have a KX3 and the Elecraft USB cable, and I can get my TRX-2 to work with this cable.

You should first verify that your TRX-2 RS-232 port is working properly. Connect a 3.5mm stereo patch lead to the port, and measure the voltage at the tip, this is TX Data, and in the idle state it should be -9V. If it is any lower, then you have a serial port problem that you need to fix. To verify that you can communicate with the TRX-2, connect its RS-232 port to a PC running a terminal program, set the TRX-2 port protocol to the TEST mode, and use the built-in serial test suite to verify the communication.

In any case, if you are using the original TRX-2 firmware the only way to work with a CAT program is to set the TRX-2 port protocol to the Yaesu FT-817 emulation mode. Since the TRX-2 is not a Yaesu, the emulation is only partial. If you were to change to my latest firmware you would also have a choice of the Kenwood emulation as well, but let's verify that your serial port is OK before trying anything else.

The input VSWR of the PA-100D depends upon the input attenuator setting. At maximum gain (G4) the input VSWR is about 2.2 on 160m, 2.1 on 80m, 2.5 on 40m, 2.4 on 30m, 2.0 on 20m, 1.8 on 17m, 1.6 on 15m, 1.5 on 12m, and 2.0 on 10m. When using G1, the lowest gain, the input VSWR is less than 1.3 across the range from 160m - 10m. The reason for this is the non-linear input impedance of the transistors, (The input VSWR was measured on my PA-100D using a swept antenna analyser, a RigExpert AA-230pro.)

The power gain of the amplifier in the high gain setting (G4) is nominally 15dB, that is, for 100W output you should only need a drive power of about 3W. At the lowest gain setting (G1) for 100W output you will need an input power of about 12W. Normally when using the TRX-2 as a driver, the gain should be set to G2/G3 if the TRX-2 is set to about 10W. The power meter in the PA-100D is less accurate at low power settings, so when using the PA-100D in the STANDBY mode (Straight through) the power meter will read slightly lower than the 'real' input power from the TRX-2. You would normally set the PA-100D to the STANDBY mode, and then match the antenna using the TUNE mode of the TRX-2. Once a match has been achieved, then switch the PA-100D to the OPERATE mode.

If you are using the original firmware with the PA-100D, yes, the SWR warning will beep if the SWR is excessive. If you use my firmware you can set a delay time to mask a transient SWR during tuning.

If you intend to use your TRX-2 in combination with the PA-100D AND use the logging program, then you will have to operate the PA-100D in the Frequency Sense mode for automatic band changes, or in the manual mode. The TX/RX switching is automatic, the TRX-2 supplies a +12V logic signal via the RF input connection to the PA-100D to switch the linear into transmit.

Finally, if you use the latest version of my PA-100D firmware then I have included in this a KX3 option that allows you to use the automatic band selection of the PA-100D controlled from the KX3. You would have to make a 'Y' cable from the KX3 serial port so that the PA-100D could 'listen' to the KX3's transmit data line. (Details are included in the User Manual which is in the ZIP archive containing the new firmware.)

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
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Re: PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

Postby HB9FIH » 30 Jun 2014 22:02

Thanks Adrian understood all.
Only one question?

I need a converter from USB to RS232 - there are many on the market and I know (from loading firmware to other items) that not all are working properly. Depends on the rs232 Chip in the converter.
Do you know which one works ?

Thank Erich
vy 73 de
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Re: PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

Postby 5B4AIY » 04 Jul 2014 05:54

Hi, Erich,
I use two USB-RS232 convertors, one uses the Prolific chipset, the other uses the FTDI chipset, and both of these have worked perfectly. As for commercial brand names, that is a problem because there are so many different ones available. I can say that the convertor using the Prolific HXD chipset was branded 'MANHATTAN', and its website is: if that is any help. It is on page 44 of their on-line catalog, and has a part number: 205146.

You can identify which chipset is in use after you have plugged the device in and Windows has installed the device driver by using Device Manager and selecting the COM ports. You should see your converter there and by examining the Properties you can identify the chipset.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
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Re: PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

Postby HB9FIH » 05 Jul 2014 21:40

I made now the cable, got USB-rs232 Connector - and finally - with UXLog JUMA works GREAT !!!

Now I like to update the firmware - want to rund ingenia but always m...71.dll files are missing.
These Files are parts for MS-Framworks which is licensed ..... where to get them (from a safe sorce only)
(It needs only the necessary dll files in same directory as ingenia - thats enough - (not installing big packets if redistibutable framworks - makes onl my pc slower)
(Info: I am also programmer....but Delphi)

vy 73 de
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Re: PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

Postby HB9FIH » 06 Jul 2014 11:02

Now I got the ingenia running (first...)

the ingenia recognized the JUMA and the Window has the message "found - .... bootloader 1.1" then I klick OK, after 2-3 sec Windows say : ingenia does not work anymore.... finish...
I tried to do with several bd rates - same.
I feel that ingenia something missing ...but what.

Then the Juma has still the message: Writer started......
but hangs all buttons dead - power plug off ...then JUMA starts normal.
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Re: PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

Postby 5B4AIY » 07 Jul 2014 05:22

Hi, Erich,

I have prepared a set of instructions which I have uploaded here that describe how to install and setup the Ingenia loader to run under Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7. I have tested it under all of these operating systems and if you follow the installation instructions it works correctly with both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions. I do not know if it works under Windows 8/8.1, perhaps someone could verify it.

From your description, it sounds as if you have not implemented the compatibility mode. If you are using Vista or Win-7 then the Ingenia loader has to be run in the Windows XP Service Pack 3 compatibility mode, and also requires Administrator privileges. These steps are described in the attached instructions.

You can download the latest version of the firmware for both the Juma TRX-2 and PA-100D from this website. If you need any other assistance, send me an email and I'll be happy to assist.


73, Adrian
Installation & setup instructions for the Ingenia loader Win-XP/Vista/7
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Re: PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

Postby HB9FIH » 07 Jul 2014 13:45

Danke, Thanks Adrian -- yes abt 55 years ago I learned to read...and after to understand....
All ok with TRX2A
Seems this firmware is wonderfull!

Then I would do this with the PA100D
on first page below is the test for RS232 of JUMA
- the dip must be -9V
logical by PA100D it must be 0 and the middle -9V ?
Then its ok, then The PA does work with TRX2A automatically.

But in same manner I like to do the firmware update (OPER pressed and PWR on) for PA100D
Programmer in PA started (and ingenia too) but here no connection is etablished.
NOT so important it works - but will keep my (wonderfull items - I work only with the JUMA now) upToDate.

oh I guess logical, then the PA100D must have another cable.... I think about this.
Yes well done - also PA100D is working very well.

Thanks Adrian for this wonderfull Firmware.

VFO solution - thats great
...and so on
vy 73 de
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Re: PA100D / TRX2 and UCXLog + PA100D

Postby 5B4AIY » 09 Jul 2014 14:20

Hi, Erich,
Happy to be of assistance. Glad you like the new firmware, it's always nice to receive some thanks. Yes, the serial cable for the PA-100D needs to the be the reverse of the TRX-2. Inside the PA-100D on the Frequency Sense board are two jumpers. If you set them to the programming mode, then you can use the Juma TRX-2 serial cable to communicate with the PA-100D to update its firmware. You must return them to the normal position after updating to allow communications with the TRX-2. Alternatively, you could leave the jumpers in the normal position, and use a NULL MODEM adaptor to communicate with the PA-100D and update its firmware, this is what I do, as it saves me having to open the case. Anyway, glad it all worked well, have fun with the new firmware, and, as always, if you need any assistance I'm happy to help.
73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
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