Juma TRX-1 Version 7.1a

Software developed by Adrian

Juma TRX-1 Version 7.1a

Postby 5B4AIY » 15 May 2013 06:19

This version has essentially the same feature set as the previous version, 7.0c, except that there is now an additional item in the System Setup menu.

The additional item - Auto On/Off - governs how the voltage alarm reset behaves. If you select On, then it will display the Mode 2 screen with the voltage displayed on the left-hand side, and the blinking alarm message (and LED indicator, if fitted) on the right-hand side, but will automatically reset if the supply voltage returns to within the tolerance limits. If you select Off, then it behaves as the previous version, that is, the alarm latches, Mode 2 is displayed as before, but now the alarm will remain until cancelled by a brief push of the VFO button. Obviously, in either case if the alarm condition recurs, the same sequence of events will occur.

An additional subtlety is that the alarm thresholds now have 20mV of hysteresis. The low voltage trip limit is 10.70V, the upper trip limit is now 15.30V. For the alarms to be cancelled, the voltage has to rise above the lower trip limit to at least 10.72V, or fall below the upper trip limit to at most 15.28V.

For a complete description of the other additions/changes, please see the post regarding version 7.0c.

If you have any questions, or require any additional information, please feel free to email me, and I'll do my best to help.

Adrian, 5B4AIY
Juma TRX-1 v7.1a (Auto-Reset).zip
Juma TRX-1 v7.1a + Source + HEX Load File + User Manual
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Re: Juma TRX-1 Version 7.1a

Postby F8DGH » 11 Jun 2013 18:30

Hello dear om,

First, thanks for the job on the trx1. I downloaded in the 16f88 the latest firmware . Seems very
pleasant to use although I have a problem.
It works but the frequency is frozen. I guess I have a wiring problem. I checked several times but couldn't
find anything. I was wondering if it is possible to have pictures of your wiring or a layout.

Thanks very much for help and 73
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Re: Juma TRX-1 Version 7.1a

Postby 5B4AIY » 12 Jun 2013 07:08

Good Morning,
In order to diagnose the problem, I need some further information. Can you please perform the following test?
Turn the transceiver on with my firmware loaded. After it has booted up, briefly press the VFO button and select Mode 1, the VFO A/B selection mode. When you rotate the knob clockwise, can you select VFO-B and is its frequency displayed? Then, when you rotate anti-clockwise, can you select VFO-A and is its frequency displayed? And finally, when you rotate the knob clockwise again, does it re-select VFO-B? Briefly press the VFO button to return to Mode 0.

Then press and hold the VFO button for 2 seconds and enter Mode 3, the Rapid Bandswitch mode. When you rotate the VFO knob can you select in turn the 160/80/40m and then the 40/80/160m bands?

There were two types of encoders for the TRX-1, and although in my firmware I have tried to deal with both types, as my encoder is a low-at-detent type, I have not been able to test it with a high-at-detent type.

Did it work correctly with the original firmware?

It might be easier to diagose this if you contact me via email rather than have a lot of posts to this website. Send me an email to: adrian04@cytanet.com.cy
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Re: Juma TRX-1 Version 7.1a

Postby ok1rp » 24 Jul 2014 15:27


many thanks for latest f/w revision for TRX-1 transceiver. I will be really happy to test it immediatelly when radio will arrive over here for our kids radioclub. Its really kind help for all of us Adrian.

If You will need any kind of help or even beta-testing for TRX-1 then do not hesitate to ask me please. I am ready to make You testing support.

My best regards,

73 - Petr, OK1RP
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Re: Juma TRX-1 Version 7.1a

Postby ok1rp » 27 Jan 2015 12:01

Hello Adrian,

is there any update or news regarding the s/w release for Juma TRX1 please?
Just to know which is the latest one :)

Many thanks,

73 - Petr, OK1RP
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Re: Juma TRX-1 Version 7.1a

Postby 5B4AIY » 28 Jan 2015 08:20

Hi, Petr,
The latest version of the firmware is 7.1a, as posted on this website entry. Unfortunately I do not have either the TX-1 or the RX-1, and thus I have not 'ported' the firmware to these rigs. There is no reason why my firmware would not work on the RX-1/TX-1, it is just that as do not have these rigs, I would be unable to thoroughly test it out before posting the firmware, and I am unwilling to post firmware I have not personally verified.

I do not think there are any further changes or improvements I could make to the firmware for the TRX-1, and thus version 7.1a is the last. In order to squeeze all the changes into the limited memory I had to use an optimising compiler, and the trial version I used has now expired and I am not willing to pay the nearly $1,000 demanded for the full licence, so that's it for the TRX-1. This firmware has now been downloaded hundreds of times, and so far no-one has reported any bugs or other problems, so I am left to conclude that it is OK. Certainly my transceiver works fine, and I've not discovered any anomalies. As always, if you run into a problem, I would be happy to try and assist as far as I can. When you have 're-built' you TRX-1, how about posting a photo so we can see the result, and of course I would always like to hear what you think of my firmware modifications.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
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Re: Juma TRX-1 Version 7.1a

Postby ok1rp » 12 Feb 2015 14:11

Hi Adrian,

thank You very much for Your information.

I will be happy to test the latest 7.1a s/w in my TRX-1.

Just quick report...

My arrived TRX-1 going to be re-housed now. All must go out of the old cabinet. New nice housing is ready to be drilled and cuted the frames for installing the PCBs and ancils to there. I hope it will be done in next 2wks as I will be partly outside the home for business trips. I will let You know about the progress, ;)

73 - Petr, OK1RP
Posts: 70
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