New TRX2A Manual Revision?

General discussion

New TRX2A Manual Revision?

Postby DC0ED » 21 Jul 2012 10:33

Hi Matti,

there is a difference between the part list delivered with the kit (from 2012-1-1) and the part list which is part of the manual for download (Manual Rev. 2.6.5 from 2007-12-04) at the website. On the new part list (main board) is an additional Transistor (T12 for line input modification and this additional transistor was delivered with my kit). But I can not find any modification instructions in the Manual revision 2.6.5.? Is there a new manual revision with included modification instructions for t12? Is there another link for the actual manual?

Many thanks in advance

73 Attila DC0ED
Posts: 2
Joined: 15 Nov 2011 07:28
Location: Germany

Re: New TRX2A Manual Revision?

Postby 5B4AIY » 21 Jul 2012 11:49

Hi, Attila,
This link should give you the modification information you require: ... n-mod.html

In addition, you might like to consider using my alternative firmware when you have constructed the transceiver and it's working properly. You can download it from the forum, or you can get the very latest build form me with an email to:

Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
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Re: New TRX2A Manual Revision?

Postby DC0ED » 21 Jul 2012 12:09

Hi Adrian,

thank you for the hint! I will use your firmware, cause I'm using it in my PA100D as well :-)., ...and by the way, your firmware is very well programmed...

Have a nice day!

73 Attila DC0ED
Posts: 2
Joined: 15 Nov 2011 07:28
Location: Germany

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