Juma TRX-2 Firmware - Version 1.07w Build 10

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Juma TRX-2 Firmware - Version 1.07w Build 10

Postby 5B4AIY » 07 Apr 2012 06:37

There is now a new version of the Juma TRX-2 firmware available, version 1.07w Build 10. This new version fixes some minor bugs, as well as introducing some new features. As before this is 'NOT' an official update, but merely my customisation of this beautiful little gem. If you are updating from one of my earlier versions, then from at least version 1.07u there should not be any checksum errors on initial load, but it would still be wise to record your calibration settings using the Serial Test Suite command to dump your settings to a terminal. If this is your first update, then you will see a checksum error on initial start-up, and you will have to re-calibrate your transceiver. Equally, if you have not performed a firmware update before, then PLEASE read the instructions available on this website very carefully! If you have any questions or are unsure, then email me and I will help you as far as I can. You can obtain this firmware either from me by sending me an email, or, hopefully when either Juha or Matti have the time, from this website. Please be patient, these guys are very busy.

Bug Fixes
CW-Side-tone - In the previous firmware unfortunately the CW side-tone frequency was fixed at 700 Hz, and did not follow the CW Shift. This was an inadvertent oversight on my part. It is now fixed - the CW Side-tone frequency follows the CW Shift frequency setting. See note regarding CW/CWR Modes.

RIT Jitter - The Receiver Incremental Tune offset frequency is obtained by digitising the analogue voltage from the wiper of the RIT potentiometer. As with all such digitalisations, there is the inherent analogue noise and well as the quantisation error of the A-D convertor, which leads to a small jitter in the measured value. This gives rise to a 1 or 2 Hz jitter in the frequency. For the SSB and CW modes this is insignificant, but for certain digital modes can lead to problems when attempting to demodulate them. This has now been fixed, and the RIT frequency is free from jitter.

Auto-Equalise Power Display - When auto equalise is invoked, the power was displayed in the centre of line 1 of the LCD rather than as intended. This has been fixed, and now on the left-hand side of line 1 the bar-graph power meter is displayed, on the right-hand side, the numeric watt-meter.

PA-100D Band Uncertainty - With the previous firmware, when the PA-100D was operated with the TRX-2 there was a small 'window of opportunity' for a transmission to occur before the PA-100D had correctly set the appropriate output filters. If both devices were set to the TRX-2 protocol, and the PA-100D was configured so that polling was turned off, the TRX-2 powered on first, and then the PA-100D, if the mode was set to Auto, then the 10m filter set would be automatically selected. To prevent this, with this new firmware, every time either the PTT switch is pressed or the transmitter keyed, a band set message is sent to the PA-100D forcing it to select the correct filter. See also later enhancement for the TRX-Manager CAT program.

New Features
Prompted Exit
When exiting either the System Setup or the User Configuration menus, you will now be prompted whether you wish to save the new settings. To accept the new settings, briefly press the MODE button, to cancel the operation and restore the previous settings, briefly press either the FILTER button or the PWR button.

Power-Down Options
In the previous firmware, when pressing and holding the PWR button to power the transceiver down, you were presented with a counted down display whilst the current User Configuration settings were re-written to the EEPROM. You now have a choice of power down options. the first, and default, is the existing counted down method with the forced save of the User Configuration. The second is the prompted power down, where you are queried whether you wish to save the current settings. As with the prompted exit, press either the MODE button to save the existing settings, or the PWR/FILTER button to power down without saving anything. the third option is a straight immediate power down without a save. This change of power down action was suggested after one or two reports of severe power supply glitches causing accidental changes to User Settings, and when powered down, these changes were saved. Such power supply glitches can be caused if the transceiver's power supply is fed from the same phase as, for example, an air-conditioner, deep freezer, refrigerator, or other load that has a high inrush current. Note that if you do not save the settings, then the current frequency, mode, and lock status of the VFOs will be lost, and when the transceiver is next powered up, the settings restored will be those that were last saved.

TRX-2 Protocol Enhancement
The Juma serial port protocol for the PA-100D has been virtually re-written and enhanced. Laurent Labourie, F6DEX has written an excellent CAT program, TRX-Manager, and as a joint co-operative effort I have augmented the TRX-2 protocol so that this program can now use the TRX-2 in its native command/response mode rather than using either the Yaesu or Kenwood emulations. Integral with this is a new feature, Auto-Update, which allows TRX-Manager display in real-time any status changes, whether they are caused by commands from the computer or by the local operator, such as rotating the tuning knob, changing modes etc. These status updates are automatically sent to the computer without it having to continually poll the transceiver thus greatly reducing the amount of traffic on the serial bus. This enhancement has no effect upon the operation of the PA-100D when used with this transceiver and operated using the same protocol.

There are now two CW modes available, CW and CWR or CW Reverse. These modes are fully explained in the revised User's Manual that accompanies this update.

Adrian Ryan, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
Joined: 13 Nov 2011 09:22
Location: Cyprus

Re: Juma TRX-2 Firmware - Version 1.07w Build 10

Postby F6DEX » 07 Apr 2012 08:10


Congratulation for your nice implementation of the TRX2's firmware (and hard work). I would add an other important fix : TRX2 now displays the correct CW carrier frequency in CW (CWR RX or TX).

On my side, I release a new update of TRX-Manager which includes a stand alone (freeware) application (TRX-Juma) which mimics the TRX2's front panel. This application is included in the setup package of the demo version of TRX-Manager (since it requires identical ressources) but does not require any registration... This is a screenshoot of this application.

Please see http://www.trx-manager.com/freeware.htm


Best 73, Laurent
Last edited by F6DEX on 25 Jul 2012 14:11, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Juma TRX-2 Firmware - Version 1.07w Build 10

Postby sm5yso » 15 Apr 2012 23:27

Hello Adrian and thank You for Your hard work in programming the Juma. I'm interessted in version 1.07w.
Hope that You can deliver it to the other versions on Juma homepage.

Once again Adrian thank You for the excelent job.
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Joined: 12 Nov 2011 21:29
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