Is Juma dead? rig is coming?

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Is Juma dead? rig is coming?

Postby ok1rp » 04 Dec 2019 12:48

Hi all

As we can see the Juma with an interresting modern topology radio is dead already.
So there is chance for another developers and designers on the market.
This coming new CW/SSB all HF bands transceiver is surprisingly the “golden classic” architecture of 9MHz IF superhet with good filterred front-end and proper roofing crystal IF filters.
It is using PHEMT LNA, high dynamic range H-mode mixer, 8+4 poles xtal filters etc.
Full, fast and absolute quiet QSK with proper timing is devoted to all CW enthusiasts.
It looks like great era of famous TenTec tcvrs is coming back ;)

73 - Petr, OK1RP
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Re: Is Juma dead? rig is coming?

Postby OH7SV » 06 Dec 2019 20:41


Juma is not dead at all. We are focusing on JUMA PA1000. It is an ultra light weight 1kW amplifier. It is active and available

Time goes by and the older Juma (kits) are retired but feel free to use all the documentation and the PCB Gerber files available in Juma site. See more here

73 Matti OH7SV
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