Juma TRX2 Firmware, Version 1.07u Build 12

Software developed by Adrian

Juma TRX2 Firmware, Version 1.07u Build 12

Postby 5B4AIY » 07 Jan 2012 14:11

First a Happy New Year to everyone. Next, since I can never leave anything alone for long, and as I had some time on my hands over the holiday, I was revising the alarm sub-system code and I noticed that it was possible, under certain circumstances, to disable the High SWR alarm. This was never my intention, only the over-current, over-voltage, and under-voltage alarms were intended to be selectively masked. This anomaly has now been fixed in build 12. In addition, the alarm test feature of the serial port test suite has been slightly enhanced to take account of the alarm mask setting so that it gives a complete indication not only that the alarms are working but that they can be enabled or disabled.

Since these minor changes are hardly "new" features there are no changes to the EEPROM and thus your existing calibration and user settings should be retained, but, as always, it would be prudent to use the serial test suite and dump your present configuration prior to loading this revision.

Finally, as before, this is NOT an official version, merely my modifications to this little gem. It can be loaded using the Ingenia loader, but PLEASE read the notes on the website regarding replacing the .xml file. As before, this latest version can be obtained from me or, hopefully it will be posted to this forum's site in due course.

Some new features are in the pipeline including the ability to remotely display the status of the PA100D when connected to a TRX2 as well as some remote control of the linear this way. When operating portable I tend to have the PA100D located remote from my operating position, and thus this remote status and control feature was born. More to follow...
Last edited by 5B4AIY on 22 May 2013 15:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Juma TRX2 Firmware, Version 1.07u Build 12

Postby KH2BR » 11 Jan 2012 04:02

Do you have a hex file for version 1.07u ?
There is one for version 1.06
This would be my first attempt at updating the firmware. I looked at the zip file
and there are sure a lot of files there and I dont know how to turn it into a hex file.
Thanks, Robert KH2BR
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Re: Juma TRX2 Firmware, Version 1.07u Build 12

Postby OH7SV » 11 Jan 2012 06:35


The TRX2 firmware developed by Adrian can be found in TRX2 Technical kit information page www.nikkemedia.fi/juma-trx2/rev-b
Down there is a link "User HW and SW modifications" www.nikkemedia.fi/juma-trx2/rev-b/JUMA- ... tions.html

Open the firmware zip file and extract the juma-trx2.hex file to your hard disk.

73 Matti OH7SV
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Re: Juma TRX2 Firmware, Version 1.07u Build 12

Postby KH2BR » 11 Jan 2012 15:51

Thank you Matti,
I found the file. I did not know I had to extract that one particular file from the zip folder.
In the Manual, Under the Boot loader section, it says that
" you must replace the original file (ibl_dspiclist.xml) with this file ibl_dspiclist.xml"

There is no hyperlink there. Its Blue and underlined, but I found it on the web page under JUMA TRX2 Firmware updates

I have the radio playing with ham radio deluxe and the tuning is real, real slow. I played with the baud rate settings on the
com port, and the radio. Is this normal operation or would you think that updating the firmwear will help this, or should
I keep looking? I tried another cat control program and I have the same thing. Same computer controls a Icom IC-7600
and works great.
Oh, I found a Island up there in Finland that has my last name. "Holsti" Kind of small but needs a antenna farm.

Thanks Matti, 73's, Robert KH2BR
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Re: Juma TRX2 Firmware, Version 1.07u Build 12

Postby KH2BR » 11 Jan 2012 21:45

Updated firmware, now working Great. Using Kenwood cat now and very happy with it so far. Thanks for such a great radio and software.

Robert, KH2BR
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