Juma TRX-2 V4.00a

Software developed by Adrian

Juma TRX-2 V4.00a

Postby 5B4AIY » 04 Nov 2017 09:45

Build 4 provides a minor enhancement to the Split Mode, as well as a CW Annunciation bug fix.

In the previous firmware if VFO-B was accidentally left in the TUNE mode when selecting the SPLIT mode, on pressing the PTT switch, only the tuning carrier would be transmitted. If this occurs with this version, the mode of VFO-A is copied to VFO-B, thus avoiding the necessity of cycling through the VFO modes to fix the problem.

Despite all my care to avoid spurious beeps in the CW Annunciation mode, one still managed to sneak through. This has now been eliminated.

As this version does not alter the EEPROM, it is safe to load it over the previous version, however, it is still a wise precaution to make a note of your calibration and configuration settings prior to loading this new version.

Build 3. This version of my firmware now allows you to choose the mode of VFO Equalisation when operating in the A/B+Split mode.

NOTE: As this version uses an additional word of EEPROM memory, there will be a Checksum Error displayed on first execution. This is perfectly normal, but will cause the default calibration and configuration values to be loaded. Please make a note of your existing calibration and configuration data before loading this new firmware. There are pages at the back of the User Manual specifically for this.

In the previous firmware if you wished to change the way VFO Equalisation operated, you had to reload a different version of the firmware. This was both inconvenient and inelegant, and thus this version has been produced so that you can now select your desired preference.

The VFOs can be set to operate either in the Multi-Memory mode which gives you a minimum of 3 active VFOs and 23 memories, up to a maximum of 26 active VFOs and no memories. The alternative mode is the A/B+Split mode which is the standard default. In this mode there are two active VFOs, A and B, and 24 memories, but more importantly as well as simplex operation with either VFO-A or VFO-B, you can select the Split Frequency mode whereby VFO-A is used for receive and VFO-B for transmit. In this mode the transmit and receive frequencies are different, and is the preferred mode used by many rare DX stations.

In order to avoid an accidental cross-band transmission, VFO Equalisation can be enabled to ensure that when changing bands both VFO-A and VFO-B are set to the same band. Note that this is only applicable to the A/B+Split mode, it makes no sense in the Multi-Memory mode, and is therefore disabled.

There is now an additional page in the User Configuration setup menu that allows you to select your preferred mode. There are three possible options:

a. OFF - In this mode no VFO Equalisation occurs, and it is the operator's responsibility to ensure appropriate VFO frequency configuration.

b. SPLIT ONLY - (Default) In this mode, VFO frequency/mode equalisation only occurs if a band change is effected whilst Split mode is active. The frequencies of the A and B VFOs will be compared, and if they are set to different amateur bands, then the contents of VFO-A will be copied to VFO-B.

c. SPLIT+SIMPLEX - In this mode whenever a band change occurs, whether in the simplex or the split mode, if the contents of the A and B VFOs are on different amateur bands, then an equalisation will occur. If the active VFO is VFO-A, then its contents will be copied to VFO-B. Similarly, if VFO-B is the active VFO, the its contents will be copied to VFO-A.

Note that if the Multi-Memory mode is selected, then the VFO Equalisation configuration page is skipped in the User Configuration menu.

Note that no matter which Equalisation Mode is selected, it is always possible to equalise the VFOs. Simply select the active VFO and press and hold the VFO button, whereupon the contents will be copied to the inactive VFO, unless it is locked, whereupon a message will be displayed, and no change will occur.

The archive contains two HEX load files. The normal file is: juma-trx2.hex the other file is: juma-test.hex. This latter file contains an extended Serial Test Suite, and would only be used if you were to experience problems with the frequency synthesiser, the front panel buttons, or with the EEPROM. It allows you to test each front panel button and measure the contact bounce, as well as erase and re-write the EEPROM, as well as display some low-level internal flags and data. It contains exactly the same operating system and features as the normal file, and will not cause any problems if it is loaded. Ordinarily I would only ask you to load this test file in the event of a problem.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Juma TRX-2 v4.00a Build 4 (C-Source+HEX Load Files).zip
Split Mode enhancement and minor CW Annunciation bug fix.
(325.85 KiB) Downloaded 1392 times
Juma TRX2 Operation Manual v4.00a Build 4 (Text Only).pdf
Revised User Manual
(383.62 KiB) Downloaded 1436 times
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Joined: 13 Nov 2011 09:22
Location: Cyprus

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