Juma TRX-2 Version: 3.0

Software developed by Adrian

Juma TRX-2 Version: 3.0

Postby 5B4AIY » 10 Mar 2016 10:32

Please note - Build 10 has been removed, having been replaced by Version 3.0 Build 16. I would strongly recommend updating to this later version.

This version of the firmware incorporates two new features - CW Annunciation, and a CW Practice Mode.

Build 10 fixes a minor bug in the Serial Test Suite, as well as a very subtle acknowledgement beep bug, and improves the way the characters are generated when using the CW Practice feature, as well as permitting you to capture the character groups using the RS232 port. In addition, when sending only a MODE/FILTER/VFO change the trailing word space is now omitted, speeding up the CW annunciation process.

When using the 'u' command to display the current Calibration and Configuration data, the LCD Timer setting was incorrectly displayed, fixed.

When using the CW ANNUNCIATION mode, the acknowledgement beeps are not required as the new mode/filter/VFO is indicated by the CW annunciation. The FILTER button was still being acknowledged, this is now fixed.

CW Practice update
In the previous version there was a marked tendency for two identical sequential characters to be generated. This was as a result of mapping the output of the random number generator into a fairly restricted set of character choices. There is now a test to ensure that no two sequential characters are identical.

Also in the previous version, when generating MIXED characters sets, an alphabetic character was more than 3 times as likely to be generated as a number. With this version both numbers and letters are equally probable.

NOTE: As an additional word of the EEPROM memory is used, this will cause a checksum error on initial power up after loading! Please make a note of your Calibration and Configuration data before loading this firmware. After the initial power up, restore your calibration and configuration data, and redo the Auto Equalisation procedure.

CW Annunciation
There is now an additional item at the end of the User Configuration menu that deals with this feature. I was asked if it was possible to modify the firmware so that a visually impaired amateur could make use of this transceiver. A number of transceivers incorporate a facility whereby whenever a status or mode change occurs, the new status or mode is indicated by means of a CW announcement. If this feature is enabled, there are two settings, FULL and FREQUENCY.

In the FULL mode, whenever the FAST/VFAST button is pressed for more than 650mSec and then released, the transceiver will announce its current status by sending the following information:


The MODE is indicated by the letters: L (LSB), U (USB), CN (CW Normal), CR (CW Reverse), and TN (Tune).
The FILTER is indicated by the letters: N (Narrow), M (Mid), and W (Wide).
The VFO is indicated by the letters: Vx where x is the current VFO letter from A to Z. If the transceiver is in the Split mode, then the letters SA are sent.

The FREQUENCY is indicated by the letter F followed by the frequency digits rounded up to kilo-hertz resolution.

For example, a FULL message might be: U M VA F14234 meaning, USB, MID, VFO-A, and tuned to 14,234kHz.

In addition, whenever the MODE, FILTER, or VFO is changed, the new mode or VFO is indicated by the appropriate CW message.

If the FREQUENCY mode is selected, then when the FAST/VFAST button is pressed and held for more than 650mSec and then released, only the current frequency is sent.

Obviously, with CW Annunciation in effect, the Very Fast tuning rate which was the previous second function of this button is not available - unfortunately there are no more buttons!

CW Practice Mode
A number of transceivers also offer a CW practice mode, and I decided it would be worthwhile, especially for me who is somewhat rusty with my Morse, to be able to brush up my skills. This mode is selected from the power off state by pressing and holding the FILTER button, and then powering up the transceiver. Continue to hold the FILTER button until the message: CW Practice Mode is displayed. Release the button, and you will be prompted to select LETTERS, NUMBERS, or MIXED characters. Use the VFO knob to make the selection. Briefly press the FILTER button to continue.

You will be prompted to select the number of 5-character groups. Use the VFO knob, and select from 1 to 25 groups. Briefly press the FILTER button to continue.

You will now be prompted to select the desired speed in Words/Minute - use the CW SPEED knob to adjust. You will also see that you can adjust the inter-character spacing. The normal setting is 3-dot intervals, but initially to give yourself more recognition time, you can increase this with the VFO knob to a maximum of 15-dot intervals.

Briefly press the FILTER button to start. There will be a momentary pause to allow you to prepare yourself, and then random 5-character groups will be sent, and the bottom line of the LCD will scroll left displaying these groups. At the end of the exercise, you will be prompted to repeat or exit. Briefly press either the MODE button to start a completely new exercise, or the PWR button to exit to the normal transceiver operation.

If the transceiver's Serial Port is set to the Test mode, then by connecting to a personal computer running a terminal program you can capture the sent characters allowing you to compare your practice copy.

Note that the random character generator is seeded with a different value each time the transceiver is powered up so that no two start-up sequences are the same.

Also note that the CW speed setting in the CW Annunciation menu item is quite independent of that set for the CW Keyer. Be aware however that as the speed is set by reading the CW SPEED potentiometer, if you scroll through this menu item you might inadvertently change the preset speed!

I had considered sending the frequency digits using so-called 'cut' numbers, but unfortunately I could not find a standard definition, I discovered at least three different definitions, and so I have not included this choice, the digits are sent in full.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Juma TRX-2 v3.00a Build 16 (C-Source+HEX Load File+User Manual).zip
Bug fixes, CW annunciation optimisation.
(492.44 KiB) Downloaded 1054 times
Juma TRX2 Operation Manual v3.00a Build 3 (Text Only).pdf
User Manual
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