Juma TRX-2 Firmware v1.20a Build 14

Software developed by Adrian

Juma TRX-2 Firmware v1.20a Build 14

Postby 5B4AIY » 17 Apr 2015 07:05

This version of the firmware, v1.20a Build 14 dated 19/APR/2015 is essentially a maintenance build, but there are a couple of differences in the way it operates. Note that no EEPROM mapping changes are made, and so this firmware can be safely loaded over an earlier build. However, as with all firmware changes, it is good practice to make a note of your calibration and configuration data before updating so that in the worst case you can easily restore your previous settings.

Splash Screen
I had been asked if there was a 'fast' way to have the transceiver boot. To enable this, the Splash Screen feature was added to the Calibration & Setup menu some firmware revisions previously, and this version makes a further minor change.

In all previous versions the initial screen displayed shows the following sign-on message:

JUMA-TRX2 v1.20a

If the splash screen was enabled, after a short delay the regional setting was displayed as IARU Region 1, USA General or USA Extra. In this version of the firmware even the first screen can now be inhibited. If the Splash Screen is set to: Off, then no screen is displayed, only a blank LCD for about a second whilst the calibration and configuration data is being read from the EEPROM, whereupon the unit drops into its normal operating mode.

If the Splash Screen is set to: Juma TRX2, then the original initial screen is displayed, and then the transceiver drops into its normal mode. Finally, if the Splash Screen is set to: Juma+Region after the initial screen is displayed, the regional setting will then be displayed before finally dropping into the normal operating mode.

If you should decide to return to a previous version of my firmware, 1.20a Build 13 or earlier. IT IS VITAL THAT BEFORE YOU DO SO YOU RESTORE THE SPLASH SCREEN SETTING TO EITHER OFF OR JUMA! DO NOT LEAVE IT AT JUMA+REGION. If you fail to do this at best you will provoke some unusual boot screen displays, or worse, a fatal memory trap error. This is because the JUMA+REGION setting will cause the earlier firmware to attempt access memory that is not defined. If you should forget to do this, you will have to use the emergency reset procedure to recover.

Tuning Rate Display
In the previous versions of the firmware, whenever the tuning rate was changed, the screen was only updated after the button had been released. This was most obvious when selecting the Very Fast tuning rate. In this version, as soon as the button has been recognised, the display is updated immediately. Just a minor enhancement.

There are also a number of internal minor firmware optimisations.

Emergency Reset

Over the last 4 years I have had a couple of reports of transceiver calibration and/or configuration data becoming corrupted during normal operation leading to sometimes bizarre behaviour. The symptoms vary from minor configuration changes to completely scrambled LCD, non-responsive buttons, or even a trap error message. In all cases this behaviour was preceded by a mains transient.

Unfortunately all microprocessor systems are liable to this sort of 'glitch'. The problem arises because a severe mains supply transient can be propagated through the power supply and cause a false transient reset to occur, or can severely upset the normal dynamic RAM operation leading to wild writes and un-commanded changes to data. The obvious step to take is that of using a mains bus that is not associated with high-current transient load switching such as air conditioning compressors, refrigerators or other such loads. Even so, power company bus switching and lightning strikes are other causes, and are beyond our control. Some users have resorted to powering their equipment from a lead-acid storage battery that is fed via an intelligent charger.

If your transceiver should become 'scrambled', then the following procedure can be used to restore normal operation and reset the calibration and configuration data.

From the power off state, press and hold the MODE button, and power the transceiver up. Continue to hold the MODE button until the message:

Restore Defaults?

is displayed. Release the MODE button and then briefly press it to restore the default settings and return the transceiver to its initial state. Then power the transceiver off and press and hold the PWR button until the message:

Mode v1.20a

is displayed. Release the PWR button, whereupon the first page of the calibration menu will be displayed. Re-enter your previous calibration data for all the parameters by selecting the pages with a brief press of the DISPLAY/CONFIG button. If you wish to rapidly select a particular calibration page, press and hold the MODE button, wait for the acknowledgement tone, and then whilst still holding the MODE button rotate the VFO knob to rapidly select the desired menu page. Release the MODE button and use the VFO knob to adjust the selected parameter in the usual way. (When the default settings are loaded, the second function button operation is set to the Press&Hold mode. If you prefer the Latched mode, then step to this menu page and change the configuration from Press&Hold to Latched. With the Latched mode selected, press and hold the MODE button until a series of rapid beeps is heard, whereupon the button can be released. The VFO knob will now select menu pages. To exit the Latched mode, briefly press either the MODE button again, or the PWR button.) Finally when all the calibration and setup data has been re-loaded, press and hold the DISPLAY/CONFIG button until you receive the message:

Save Settings?

and then briefly press the MODE button to save the calibration and setup data and exit. Then repeat this operation for the User Configuration data by pressing and holding the DISPLAY/CONFIG button until the message:


is displayed. Release the button, and the first page of the User Configuration menu will be displayed. The Rapid Page Select feature is operative in this mode as well. Once all the User Configuration data has been restored, press and hold the DISPLAY/CONFIG button until the prompt message:

Save Settings?

is displayed, and briefly press the MODE button to save the new configuration data to the EEPROM.

As a very minimum, you should have made a note of at least your Master Oscillator, voltmeter, ammeter, power meter and S-meter calibration data as these data settings are vital to correct operation. The other settings are user preference data, and the standard defaults are often satisfactory.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Juma TRX-2 v1.20a Build 14 (C-Source+HEX Load File+User Manual).zip
Revised Splash Screen and tuning rate display, fixed System Setting display bug.
(457.79 KiB) Downloaded 693 times
Last edited by 5B4AIY on 19 Apr 2015 09:34, edited 6 times in total.
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Joined: 13 Nov 2011 09:22
Location: Cyprus

Re: Juma TRX-2 Firmware v1.20a Build 14

Postby AA4PB » 17 Apr 2015 22:30

Hi Adrian,
Thanks for the v1.20a Build 14 update. The splash screen settings, prompts, and display are correct on the radio. However, with the following radio settings the configuration dump display is as follows:
Off - Off
Juma - ON
Juma + Region - USB

It looks like you may have forgot the configuration dump changes to match the new radio settings.

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Re: Juma TRX-2 Firmware v1.20a Build 14

Postby 5B4AIY » 18 Apr 2015 06:41

Hi, Bob,

Many thanks! Some days the dragon wins! You are correct, I forgot to update the reference to an array pointer for the Splash Screen display in the Serial Test Suite. This version of Build 14, dated 19/APR/2015 fixes this carelessness. Glad I've got someone doing some thorough regression testing to keep me straight.

This build also adds the firmware version and build number to the Serial Test Suite's calibration and configuration dump.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
Joined: 13 Nov 2011 09:22
Location: Cyprus

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