Juma TRX-2 1.10q Build 7

Software developed by Adrian

Juma TRX-2 1.10q Build 7

Postby 5B4AIY » 06 Oct 2014 11:55

This version of the firmware, (1.10q Build 7) modifies the way the frequency is displayed in the NEW mode. The various display modes are selected in the User Configuration menu.

The transceiver's frequency can be displayed in one of four modes:

This mode displays the frequency to a resolution of 10Hz with 2 decimal points thus:


For frequencies from 1 to 9MHz:


For frequencies below 1MHz:


This is by far the most common presentation for amateur transceivers.

This mode displays the frequency to a resolution of 1Hz with a single decimal point:


For frequencies from 1 - 9MHz:


For frequencies below 1MHz:


and for frequencies below 1kHz:


In the previous versions, the decimal point was lost when displaying frequencies below 1kHz, this version displays to kHz, retaining the decimal point which continues to blink if the frequency is outside an amateur band, as with all the other displays.

This mode displays frequencies with a fixed decimal point to a resolution of 1Hz:


For frequencies below 1MHz:


This mode is similar, again with a fixed decimal point, except that the frequencies are displayed to a resolution of 10Hz

Note that the display is truncated not rounded. If you wish to have the frequency rounded, then this option is available in the User Configuration menu. You can select rounding to only 10Hz, effected whenever the 10Hz frequency step is selected, 100Hz and 10Hz whenever the 100Hz or the 10Hz step is selected, or ALL, rounding to 1kHz/100Hz/10Hz depending upon the step increment (V/F/M) for Very Fast (1Khz), Fast (100Hz), or Medium (10Hz). Obviously, for the Slow step (1Hz), no rounding is required.

The main reason for the change was the complete re-design and re-write of the frequency display module. Although the previous version worked perfectly well, I always considered that my implementation was somewhat complex, and could be streamlined and simplified. This version implements a complete re-design which eliminated 7 support functions, and is now only a single function, replacing 65 lines of code with 19. It is considerably simpler, and easier to read. (See display_freq() in lcd-trx2.c)

Interestingly, despite this simplification, the main loop's cycle time remains essentially the same at approximately 7mSec. This is largely because the time taken to write a character to the LCD is fixed, and does not depend upon how this character is calculated or generated. The previous complex solution, although efficient, was cumbersome, and used nearly 400 bytes more code space than this version.

This version can be safely loaded over a previous 1.09 or later version, but, as with any firmware update it would be wise to make a note of your calibration and configuration settings before updating. Note that if you are updating from an earlier version or from the original, then as the EEPROM mapping and measurement system is completely different, you will get a Checksum Error message on initial power-up the first time, and the system defaults will be loaded. You will then have to re-calibrate. Unfortunately there is no 'easy' way to translate the original calibration constants into the new version.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Juma TRX-2 v1.10q Build 7 (C-Source+HEX Load File+User Manual).zip
Complete re-design of frequency display module + previous build's revisions.
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