PA100 and Flex 1500

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PA100 and Flex 1500

Postby ve3gkn » 10 Jan 2012 15:17

I'm trying to size up running the Flex1500 with the Juma PA100 and I have a question:
is the 5w drive from the Flex 1550 high enough to drive the PA100 to 100w?

I'm not really interested in purchasing the Flex 3000 for the 100w since I plan to use the amp with other rigs.

Also from what I can see this appears to be a very nice looking product.

73, Gord
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Re: PA100 and Flex 1500

Postby OH7SV » 10 Jan 2012 16:19


5W drive power is enough for JUMA PA100 to get out 100W or even more.
The gain of PA100 can be adjusted by the means of the input attenuator.
This feature is in both models PA100 and PA100-D.

73 Matti OH7SV
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Flex1500 & PA100D auto band select

Postby OH2KZK » 22 Jan 2012 18:07


I´m considering to buy an PA100D amplifier and use it with my Flex1500.
But Flex1500 does not have same form of band data control signals wich PA100D is using (only so called FlexFire i2c).

I am wondering that have i understand correctly, that the PA100D model has an automatic band detection (so called frequency sense module),
that no separate band data control signal is needed anymore just an PTT signal. ?

Thank you for the information.
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Re: Flex1500 & PA100D auto band select

Postby OH7SV » 22 Jan 2012 18:47

That's right Jari,

JUMA PA100D model has a frequency sense function as an auto band selection alternative.
PA100D detects the band from the RF signal coming from an exciter.
The frequency sensing mode is set in CONFIG pages ... ption.html

Other PA100D auto band selctions modes are JUMA TRX2 RS232 protocol and Yaesu DC band data.
Naturally you can also select a band manaually. See more in PA100 pages

So feel free to upgrade your Flex1500 station with a JUMA PA100D.

73 Matti OH7SV
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