Anything New coming?

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Anything New coming?

Postby NZ1I » 28 Dec 2011 20:31

Hi Folks,

I am interested in building a Juma transceiver. My interest lies with 10 meter band. Are there any plans to make or modify a rig for just that band? Or can one of the current rig run just on 10mtrs?

Thanks for your help.

Kevin NZ1I
Mystic, CT USA
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Joined: 28 Dec 2011 19:06
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Re: Anything New coming?

Postby KH2BR » 29 Dec 2011 17:56

That is such a Great idea.
I would also like to modify my trx1 to work on 20 and 15 meters.
I was thinking about using a Si570 for the vfo but I am not sure if that would work
since the output is a square wave which is rich in harmonics, special attention to
filtering would be necessary. The low pass filter would be easy to modify.
I have a SI570 vfo from PA0KLT That I can try when
I have the time. Right now I am building the TRX2A and I don't have time for that right now.
Maybe some one out there has the values for the low pass filter for the other bands.
That would be very helpful. These kits are the most beautiful and enjoyable kits
I have ever worked on.

Thanks and 73's. Robert
Posts: 32
Joined: 13 Nov 2011 07:01
Location: USA

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