Where are TRX2 Noise Blanker and Voice Memory located?

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Where are TRX2 Noise Blanker and Voice Memory located?

Postby hb9dds » 19 Dec 2011 12:55

Hi folks

Where exactly is the Noise Blanker and Voice Memory on the JUMA TRX2 board located or where will it be installed?

Daniel, HB9DDS

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Last edited by hb9dds on 21 Dec 2011 19:38, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where are TRX2 Noise Blanker and Voice Memory located?

Postby OH7SV » 21 Dec 2011 10:53


1. Noise Blanker option has not been launched. The intented location in the main board is (was) the pin header between Polyphase and 1st filter. We made few Noise Blanker prototypes but we did not get good enough results. The technical reason is that the bandwidth is too narrow to detect fast rise times. Additionally a clickless AF blanking is very hard to do.

2. Voice Memory option is located in the DDS board pin headers. See picture below.

JUMA TRX2 Voice Memory Option installed

See more information of the Voice Memory option here www.nikkemedia.fi/juma-trx2/rev-b/index.html

73 Matti OH7SV
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