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Juma TRX-2 New Firmware

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2023 13:23
by 5B4AIY
There is now a new version of the firmware for the Juma TRX-2 transceiver. Whilst this new version does not add any new features, it does significantly enhance and simplify the out-of-band transmit inhibit logic. Whilst the previous method was OK for SSB, with the popularity of modes such as FT8 this method was no longer acceptable, as an out-of-band transmission could still be made if the LINE I/P was used. This improved method completely prevents an out-of-band transmission in the SSB modes no matter which input, microphone or line, is used. The tx inhibit for CW modes was always OK, so no changes there. So, I'm still around and tinkering with this lovely gem.
73, Adrian, 5B4AIY