PA1000 firmware update failure

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PA1000 firmware update failure

Postby PG4I » 25 Jun 2023 14:28

Good afternoon,

I am trying to upgrade my PA1000 from 1.33 to 1.35

Followed all the instructions at the firmware page, I have set the Ingenia bootloader (version 1.1) to run in Windows XP SP2 compatibilty mode and to run it as an administrator. Also copied ibl_dspiclist.xml from the website to the Ingenia folder.

Next, I shut down the PA1000 and start the bootloader. Serial port is COM4 at 9600 Baud which is a FT232 compatible USB to serial converter, works okay with my rig. When the detection starts I switch on the PA1000 and I get: dsPic identification failed, Error code: -5. Every time.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? The PC I am using is a DELL windows 10 laptop.

73 de Jo PG4I
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Re: PA1000 firmware update failure

Postby PG4I » 25 Jun 2023 14:49

I seem to have missed something in the manual: Start-up JUMA PA1000 while keeping the PAGE button pushed

Now I get "PA 1000 Flash Writer started"in the display.
But I still get "dsPic indentification failed, Error code: -5.
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Re: PA1000 firmware update failure

Postby OH7SV » 24 Aug 2023 13:29

Hello Jo,
Most probably you have this problem. See the Note.

NOTE1. After installing the bootloader client, you must replace the original xml-file (ibl_dspiclist.xml) with this file ibl_dspiclist.xml Click mouse right button to save it. The xml file is typically located in hard disk folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Ingenia\ingeniadsPICbootloader.
If you get this Error code:-5 you have not properly replaced the xml file.

See more here ... mming.html

73 Matti OH7SV
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