TRX2 Lost Boot & Firmware

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TRX2 Lost Boot & Firmware

Postby hb9bdm » 29 Nov 2011 14:00

Hi Adrain

First, thanks for all the help and support I got from you. I believe the JUMA community would
be lost without you.
I bought a PICKit3 and have all back to work. Its a good investment when one own's a JUMA.
I think the Ingenia missbehaving, had something to do, with what you mention in the last mail.
As have nothing changed, and after some relaod problems, (I couldent activate POWER/VFO Start)
and had to relaod 'only' the BOOT sector, afterwards worked the RS232 port again, I had no
Ingenia problems any more, where before the message I have sent you a screeshot, appeard
on each start and load of any hex-file..
So I think to change something on the cat/rs232/test settings and just proceed to upgrade is very dangerous.
A shutdown and restart with maybe even power cutoff is recomended.
I am not sure on it, but shall try to provoke it..
Anyway thanks Adrian and take care.

Best regards Chris HB9BDM
Posts: 1
Joined: 29 Nov 2011 13:10
Location: Switzerland

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