PA1000 and SunSDR2 Pro from Expert Electronics

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PA1000 and SunSDR2 Pro from Expert Electronics

Postby OE2ATN » 28 Dec 2018 20:07

Has anybody here wired up/configured the Juma PA1000 to get Band-data from the Expert Electronics SunSDR2 Pro?
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Re: PA1000 and SunSDR2 Pro from Expert Electronics

Postby OH7SV » 02 Jan 2019 16:35

Hello Tom,

There are currently PA1000 owners who are using SunSDR2 Pro with JUMA PA1000.
See the cable and configuration instructions in the latest JUMA PA1000 user manual v1.45 found here

73 Matti OH7SV
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Re: PA1000 and SunSDR2 Pro from Expert Electronics

Postby LZ1ZJ » 02 Jan 2019 17:09

HNY 2019, please tell me it's ok for JUMA 100D????
Thank you in advance!!!! I have JUMA 100D with sunsdr 2 pro.
73 de Slav - LZ1ZJ
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Re: PA1000 and SunSDR2 Pro from Expert Electronics

Postby OH7SV » 02 Jan 2019 17:52

Hello Slav,

Sure, also JUMA PA100-D is compatible with SunSDR2. All you need is to provide PTT signal (TX ON) signal and use frequency detect in PA100-D. The PTT out in SunSDR2 is pin 13 (and GND pin 15) in the EXT CTRL connector. See those two wires shown in PA1000 manual but connect them to 3.5mm PTT in socket in PA100-D. Remember to select frequency detect in PA100-D.

Matti OH7SV
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Re: PA1000 and SunSDR2 Pro from Expert Electronics

Postby LZ1ZJ » 02 Jan 2019 19:26

Hi Matty
No, I do not have a problem with the JUMA 100D at the moment, via RF SENSE MODE. Maybe for more than two month,s i work with the nice train-express, SUNSDR-2 Pro=> JUMA 100D(55-65W)=> ACOM 1000 in the contest's.
In the beginning I had a problem with rf sense mode, switching from 3.5 to 7 Mhz(via RF SENSE), the JUMA indicated high current and the amplifier (JUMA-100D)went into stby mode. This is overcome by raising the threshold of current protection. I was asking if someone is using band data from SUNSDR to JUMA.
Best regards, HNY 2019, de Slav - LZ1ZJ
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