PCB Gerber files for the retired Juma kits

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PCB Gerber files for the retired Juma kits

Postby OH7SV » 04 Jan 2018 17:26

Hello all,

We have published the PCB Gerber files for the following retired Juma kits

- RX1 Receiver
- TX1 Transmitter
- TRX1 Transceiver
- TRX2-VM Voice Memory option
- JUMA KB1 External Keyboard option

Feel free to use these Gerber files for club projects or for your personal use.
You can find the files and related PCB specification via the link in Juma Main page www.jumaradio.com

73 Matti OH7SV
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Re: PCB Gerber files for the retired Juma kits

Postby OH7SV » 04 Jan 2018 19:08

Here are few decent PCB suppliers and you can easily find more by Googling.


73 Matti OH7SV
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Re: PCB Gerber files for the retired Juma kits

Postby Martin Caprda » 10 Jan 2018 20:50


After a success with on my own build JUMA RX1, I did a decision to build JUMA TRX1.
Many thanks for posting GEBER files … but … Yes there is possibility to import Geber to Eagle , Yes there is possibility to import Geber to Corel … please believe me, I tested both possibilities .. I was not able to get a satisfactory results.

Would be possible for someone please to export JUMA Geber files to simple PDF printable PCB layouts (similar to PCB of RX1) ? Soldering mask is not necessary

Martin Caprda
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