How about PSK on a TRX2A?

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How about PSK on a TRX2A?

Postby NQ3RP » 27 Apr 2013 16:57

Looking into purchasing a TRX2A for doing PSK. Is it feasible and is anyone doing it? What modifications will need to be done? Thanks for any help.

Re: How about PSK on a TRX2A?

Postby 5B4AIY » 28 Apr 2013 12:03

Hi, John,

The simple answer to your question is - Yes, PSK31/RTTY is perfectly feasible on the Juma TRX-2! The transceiver is well-suited to QRP digital operation, and indeed I have used it quite extensively, mainly on 20m, using the NUE-PSK self-contained modem. Bear in mind that this is NOT a software defined radio - this seems to be a common misunderstanding. The transceiver is an elegant analogue SSB/CW transceiver using a Tayloe switching mixer and a unique polyphase network to achieve true single-sideband operation. The microprocessor is there to provide a user interface to the transceiver's direct digital synthesiser and control, measurement and alarm systems. There is an auxillary I-Q ouput available that you can connect to the line input of a computer sound card if you wish to demodulate the digital mode signals via a computer, and the microphone input can be switched to operate as a line-level input for digital operation.

As for modifications, there is a simple line-input modification that completely disables the speech compressor, although I have to say that I have not incorporated this into my kit, I have found that by keeping the drive level down to only 1 - 2W the resultant distortion products with the speech processor turned off are quite acceptable. The line input modification is useful if you wish to operate nearer the 5W level.

There is also a simple modification for the receiver front-end, the Spur Elimination kit that I would strongly advise you to purchase and install. It makes a considerable difference to the receiver's operation, especially on the higher bands.

Finally - sound of my own trumpets blowing - there is also an alternative firmware available from me along with an extensive User Manual should you wish to extend the capabilities of this little gem. In addition, I have written a set of construction notes that you might find useful. Drop me an email and I'd be happy to send you all the information.

And, don't worry too much about technical difficulties. There have been many kits assembled, they have all worked, and if you do have a problem, post a message on this forum, and there are many of us, including myself, who would be happy to help and assist.

Email me at: if you would like the documentation packages.

73, Adrian, 5B4AIY
Posts: 216
Joined: 13 Nov 2011 09:22
Location: Cyprus

Re: How about PSK on a TRX2A?

Postby TF3VS » 29 Apr 2013 12:02

Are there any readily available information on the internet about operating the TRX2A with the NUE-PSK?
Cable construction, how to connect and tips about setup and operation e.g.

73 Villi
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Joined: 27 Nov 2011 20:34
Location: Iceland

Re: How about PSK on a TRX2A?

Postby NQ3RP » 29 Apr 2013 14:19

Thanks Adrian, I sent you an email requesting those items. Thanks.

Re: How about PSK on a TRX2A?

Postby AA4PB » 30 Apr 2013 13:07

TF3VS wrote:Are there any readily available information on the internet about operating the TRX2A with the NUE-PSK?
Cable construction, how to connect and tips about setup and operation e.g.

73 Villi
TF3VS ... _cable.htm
Posts: 17
Joined: 09 Jun 2012 04:46
Location: USA

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