PA100 PA Current Resistor

General discussion

PA100 PA Current Resistor

Postby KD1NA » 07 Aug 2012 11:46

I am still building the PA100 D linear kit and have both the control module and main module finished. In building the PA module I find in the pack of resistors 2, 0.010 Ohm resistors that are mounted parallel for R7. This is no problem but when I located the bag containing the 2 large Resistors ( R5 and R6 ) I also located a large surface mount 0.005 Ohm resistor in the same bag which doesn't seem to be referenced on the parts list. Am I to assume that I do not use this component? I have already installed the 2, 0.010 resistors in parallel at R7 location.

Thanks and 73
Dave KD1NA
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Re: PA100 PA Current Resistor

Postby OH7SV » 19 Aug 2012 05:39


The R7 resistor is single 0.005 ohm current sense resistor. The two 0.010 ohm resitors are remains when 0.005 ohm was not available. You can keep the two 0.010 ohms in parallel.

73 Matti OH7SV
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