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Re: Whats going on with JUMA

I just got the following email from Juha about the Juma shop. --- snip --- Hello Bob Our current kit supplier Connect Oy / Arno Martin have decided to give up JUMA kit logistics operations. Currently we are seeking new kit logistics provider for us. As soon we have the contract we will announce new ...
by KH2BR
28 Mar 2013 04:51
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: Whats going on with JUMA
Replies: 3
Views: 8654

Re: Whats going on with JUMA

I got the same reply from Arno. We should help them find sources of cheaper parts or better volume discounts. It would also help that all of those owning Juma gear post on there favorite users group there activities with the juma gear. I need to post my pictures on, I am sure that will also ...
by KH2BR
26 Mar 2013 01:21
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: Whats going on with JUMA
Replies: 3
Views: 8654

Problem with Juma Shop

Been looking at the online juma store and there is a lot of out of stock items.
Also, it looks like the site might have been hacked. Can someone look into it?
I wonder what the future has in store for this great line of ham gear. Is the end near?

Robert KH2BR
by KH2BR
14 Mar 2013 01:49
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: Problem with Juma Shop
Replies: 1
Views: 7777

Re: RX1 bands coverage

I found a nice band pass filter kit ffrom K5BCQ web site. It is designed by WB6DHW. The kit is only US $ 40 and very small. Measures 38cm x 90 cm I decided to change the VFO again but this time to a SI570 that has full 3.5 mhz to 30 mhz coverage plus it has bc...
by KH2BR
23 Feb 2013 23:21
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: RX1 bands coverage
Replies: 7
Views: 25468

Re: RX1 bands coverage

Hi petr, I am in the process of doing that right now. I know your post is one year old, but others may be interested. I found the N3ZI dds vfo and the mpu/ dds board is the same size of the receiver board, a perfect match. It works just great. Now, I need to figure how to make band pass filter switc...
by KH2BR
15 Feb 2013 21:39
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: RX1 bands coverage
Replies: 7
Views: 25468

Re: RX1 rec. error msg

you will have to recheck all of your work very carefully. Magnifing glass in hand, I use a jewelers loop. look for solder bridges, objects that should not be there, leads that have been missed durring soldering, correct components in the correct places. Many times I have found that soldering flux wi...
by KH2BR
26 Jan 2013 06:30
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: RX1 rec. error msg
Replies: 1
Views: 3883

Re: PA100-D Chip identification

Look for one side that is beveled. With the beveled side facing you, the left side is pin one.
by KH2BR
23 Jan 2013 03:04
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: PA100-D Chip identification
Replies: 2
Views: 5226

Re: PA100-D with an Elecraft KX3

Hi Barry I do not have a KX3 but I did take some time to read up on it. Here is your cable.. Here is your KX3 users manual.'s%20man%20Rev%20B4sm.pdf Look at page 5 of the users manua...
by KH2BR
10 Jan 2013 07:43
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: PA100-D with an Elecraft KX3
Replies: 6
Views: 16742

Re: RX1 IC1 chip

The DDS board IC1 dds has a triangle stamped on it and yes, that orientation is correct. Also pin 1 is identified with a small indented hole.
by KH2BR
04 Jan 2013 20:25
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: RX1 IC1 chip
Replies: 2
Views: 5013

Re: potential builder questions

I really like sdr-radio with my fifi. I also tried it with the trx2a. I had to fool the software into believing the sdr radio had a SI-570 by plugging a soft rock into a USB port. I was able to control frequency by selecting external radio and controlling the dds vfo, and listen to signals and got d...
by KH2BR
15 Aug 2012 19:27
Forum: Juma Discussion
Topic: TRX2A Potential builder questions
Replies: 3
Views: 8045

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